CARNICOM INSTITUTE LEGACY PROJECTA Release of Internal Original Research DocumentsAuthoredbyClifford E CarnicomPresident, Carnicom InstituteLaboratory Notes Series: Volume 20Jul 2017 – Sep 2017www.carnicominstitute.orgwww.wikici.orgCarnicom Institute is a non-profit organization, 501(c)(3), working solely for the benefit of humanity and the public interest. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information concerning human health and the environment. The Institute is extensively active in conducting scientific research and public education relating to the consequences of geoengineering and bioengineering. Thank you for your support of Carnicom Institute.Carnicom Institute does not advocate any proprietary products, protocols, or therapies. Ourpurpose is to provide information and education to the public. The Institute is not a clinic anddoes not perform any medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or prescription of therapy. Allstudies conducted by the Institute are for research purposes. Any health related comments inthis paper are solely for informational purposes and each individual must work with their ownhealth professional to establish any appropriate course of action