Recent analysis leads to the conclusion that the extensive and systematic aerosol operations being conducted across the planet are aggravating the elevated drought conditions now being observed. This two part discussion centers upon heat aspects of the atmosphere. This first section introduces the concept of ‘specific heat’ of a substance (the amount of heat required to flow into a substance to produce a one degree rise in temperature), and how that helps address the specific question: Given that the air of the earth has a specific heat value, what would be the projected heat effect of introducing metallic particulate aerosols (namely aluminum, barium, magnesium, titanium and calcium) into the atmosphere?’
The second part of this discussion expands the above dialogue to show, in mathematical form, that with the exception of magnesium, each of the elements listed above has a specific heat less than that of air. This allows us to conclude that the introduction of each of these elements with a specific heat less than that of air would have the effect of increasing the temperature of the modified air for a given amount of heat. These results convey significant consequences on the health of the planet and the atmosphere.
It is reiterated that the citizens of this nation and earth have the duty to force full accountability, disclosure and cessation of the aircraft aerosol operations which remain in progress.