Clifford E Carnicom
Mar 17 2003

Very Low Frequency ‘Pulse Switching’ Observed and Recorded
Santa Fe NM 031503 at approx. 1430.

X Axis : Observation Number (1 Observation per second)
Y Axis : Frequency of Monitoring in Kilohertz (kHz)

Digital Filter Applied to VLFPulse Switching’ Data
Santa Fe NM 031503 at approx. 1430.

X Axis : Observation Number (1 Observation per second)
Y Axis : Frequency of Monitoring in Kilohertz (kHz)

A pattern of anomalous Very Low Frequency (VLF) has again been detected and recorded.  This session occurred on Mar 15 2003.  The baseline reference value for monitoring was approximately 4-5kHz.  At observation number approx. 750-800, a sharp increase in the received frequency occurs.  This increase remains for approx. 200 seconds, then a sharp decrease in the frequency level occurs.  After approximately another 200 second period, an alternating sine wave variation in frequency level occurs for approx 800 seconds and then ceases.

This marks the second time that unusual VLF patterns have been within a 2 week period.  Please also see the previous session recorded on Mar 01 2003.  Extended periods of monitoring have been required to capture these emissions.  They again appear to originate from an artificial source.

Detection of the form shown occurred with the ELF circuit as it is described on Mar 15 2003 with the use of the directional loop antenna.

Clifford E Carnicom
Mar 17 2003