Clifford E Carnicom
April 07 2001

Investigation continues into the unexpected and repeated presence of biological components within numerous atmospheric samples recently collected through the use of HEPA filters and the process of electrostatic precipitation. A portion of this research involves the detection of biological components with the use of varying stains. For those that attempt to discredit the use of iodine stain as a viable stain method in the detection of such components, the following information from the Museum of Science ( may be of value to all readers and researchers:

Many samples, particularly cells, can appear quite transparent under the microscope. The internal parts of the cells, the organelles, are so transparent that they are often difficult to see. Biologists have developed a number of stains that help them see the cells and their organelles by adding color to their transparent parts.

While many biological stains are for advanced study only, there are some that are easy to obtain and use. Some readily available stains are: food coloring, iodine, malachite green (ick fish cure), and methylene blue. Food coloring can be found at a grocery store, and iodine can be found at a pharmacy. The last two stains, malachite green and methylene blue, can be purchased at aquarium shops.

Investigation with all stains mentioned remains in progress. The use of methylene blue is also showing the presence of significant amounts of biological materials within the atmospheric samples under evaluation. Two additional biological stains that should be fairly easy to obtain are eosin and safranine; eosine is one stain that is apparently valuable in blood testing methods. It is recommended that other citizens and researchers combine their efforts and assist with this investgation. The public appeal for independent professional involvement remains in standing.

Clifford E Carnicom
April 07 2001