Complex Observations, Unknown Consequences

Clifford E Carnicom
Jul 07 2019

This paper introduces some of the more enigmatic developments that have come within the scope of research at Carnicom Institute, with special emphasis upon certain anomalies observed during the last year. There is now an element of geometry and ‘order’ within the examination of the microbiology that is known to be causal to the Morgellons health condition that is puzzling, but nevertheless appropriate to disclose.

A previous reference paper, titled, ”Simple Observations, Important Conclusions” (Jul 2019) will be called upon to provide perspective as to how a single observation can sometimes provide alternative interpretations of its nature.

We will start the discussion with a comfortable reference point, and that is an image of normal skin under the microscope at low power. Such a representative image is shown immediately below:


Control Photograph – Normal Skin
No skin blemishes visible or apparent.
Magnfication approximately 15x.

At this point there are no surprises, other than many readers may, understandably and with good cause, marvel at how fascinating and interesting even normal skin appears when magnified.

Our next step is to return to an image presented in the earlier paper reference above:

Microphotograph of a skin blemish from an individual that
displays symptoms characteristic of the Morgellons condition
Magnification approx. 15x.

This observation was discussed at length in that earlier paper, and the points within that paper have already been made. The focus of that discussion was on what now must be regarded as the more obvious interpretation from the image above, that being the rather blatant disruption to the skin surface . Although simpler in fact to understand, nevertheless, such a simple observation leads to some rather profound and important conclusions. These have been brought forth in the “Simple Observations” paper, and I encourage you to become familiar with that work.

There is, however, another development within this image that deserves our attention.

There is an anomaly that exists within this photograph, and this is the geometric outline that surrounds the skin sac inflammation. I am aware of a set of peculiar observations , some time past, at the micron level that demonstrated a similar unusual geometry, i.e, of the form:

Anomalous geometric shape accompanying various observations
in conjunction with study of the Morgellons conditon.

One important curiosity here is that of scale; the skin disturbance above is on the order of a 1000 times larger than that of the microbial observation that I am aware of.

It is also known that hexagonal crystal forms have been observed in association with the Morgellons condition; I am aware of two such cases directly.

It is now appropriate to recall some of these observations that have taken place across related sample types. The synthesis of this information may help to provide a direction and focus for any questions of crystallography, geometry, or “order” that may arise in the future with respect to the most extraordinary and unusual health condition know as “Morgellons”.

The evolution of our discussion now requires a brief interlude; I can only assure you that the apparent diversion is ultimately only apparent. The connections betweeen observations and sample times does eventually become increasingly complex.

This interlude involves the examination of some insect specimens that were received. Insect associations with the Morgellons issue are pervasive, but at this point the Institute does not have the evidence to overwhelmingly forward that c ase. Nevertheless, an insect lair and collection has been received and examined under low power under the microscope. The most definitive conclusion that can be made from this work is that insects seem to undoubtedly act as an effective transport mechanism for the filament growth that is characteristic of the CDB microbe. This should not actually act as any surprise to those that understand the now omnipresent distribution of the CDB microbe; HEPA air filters can easily make that case to those that wish to comprehend the biological changes now in place.

Insect samples under observation (note characteristic filaments present)

Now we advance to the next stage of analysis, and a photograph of that result is shown below. In addition to the CDB microbial filaments existing within the various insects observed (i.e., “transport” conclusion at a minimum), a brightly colored hexagonal crystal was observed amidst the insect collection. Even without any additional information available, it represents a striking and unusual observation.

Observation of brightly colored hexagonal crystalline structure
found within a received insect collection/lair. Magnification approx. 15x.

This exact crystal form, structure and size is now the second of two crystal that have been witnessed by this researcher in association with the Morgellons research. Anectdotal mentions of this crystalline structure are reasonably frequent and the topic is one worthy of serious research. Adequate availability of sample material has been a major limitation to furthering the research at this site. The colors of the hexagonal crystals appear to vary; this one is especially bold blue in color. Such bold colors are identical and common within the CDB microbial filament growth.

This paper has its title for a reason; I hope that the reader will be patient to pursue its course to the end. We are getting closer.

The reasons for presenting the hexagonal crystal form in this discussion are as follows:

1. The appearance of geometric constructs, “natural” or otherwise as will ulitmately be determined, is now a regular feature of the so-called “Morgellons” landscape, so to speak.

2. Direct evidence, in the form of the observations and analyses within this paper, are now available to show such geometric development occurring within or surrounding human skin and known CDB microbrial filament growth. Circumstance might be used to attempt to separate the hexagonal crystal from the insect CDB transport or growth, but the evidence is no longer favoring that course.

3. The anecdotal reports, as well as a large body of public research images, now strongly confirm the developments of the hexagonal crystals within those affected by the Morgellon s condition. Sufficiently detailed accounts and information beyond the anecdotal level is required for this Institute to advance that investigation further.

4. An even closer examination of the affected skin photograph above might introduce the issue of hexagonal crystal formation itself; the data at this point is simply not availablle to make that assessment properly. Hopefully in shorter order it will become so.

And now, for those that have tempered their curiosity to this point with patience, there is a final and rather profound introduction of “geometry” before us. The images that are shown below should introduce some level of curiosity and amazement to even the most cynical or skeptical researchers in the audience. I think that it is fair that some important questions here deserve to be answered. The Institute will continue to do its part, although it is only fair to understand that the base of investigation here is much broader that this limited organization is privy to.

The circumstances of observation here are as follows:

1. The case involves observation of a urine sample that was in cold storage for approximately 6 months.

2. The observation should be regarded as a rarity at this point, and occurring more by circumstance than by plan or design.

3. Repetition of the event is not immediately available, due to the length of incubation that may be required to produce it.

4. The observation most certainly involves the CDB microbial growth, as other telltale signals of that growth have also been recorded separately for the record.

5. Significant, highly significant “geometric” development and formation involving the CDB microbe is most definitely on display here. Such observations at this level of uniqueness have never before been witnessed or recorded by this researcher in the two decades of research that precedes it.

6. The images shown below are quite small in relative terms, and would not even be visible with conventional microscopy. The approximate length of each unit is on the order of 2-3 microns, and each individual CDB microbe within is approximately 0.3 microns in diameter.

7. What is clearly shown is the repeated ‘ordering’, or arrangement of the CDB microbe in a geometric sense, akin to that of crystalline type formation.


Microphotograph of remarkable geometric “Cross-Domain Bacteria” (CDB) 
arrangement and development within an incubated urine sample.
This represents the revelation of “ordered” structure of the
CDB (“Cross-Domain Bacteria”) microbe that is known to be
causal to the Morgellons condition. Each small sphere visible is a single
CDB microbe that is approx. 0.3 microns in diameter.
The period of incubation for the urine sample is approx. 6 months.
Approx. magnification is 8000x.


A second microphotograph of remarkable geometric “Cross-Domain Bacteria” (CDB)
arrangement and development within an incubated urine sample.
Approx. magnification is 8000x.

And this, then, is where the enigma leaves us for the present moment. There are indeed unknown consequences to what this research now presents to us. There are obviously some important questions to ask here. One of these most certainly involves investigating the ‘driving force’, or cause of geometry now being introduced into the extensive microbial study that has brought us to this point.   It is certainly warranted to open the discussion as to whether or not a biological ‘circuit’ or ‘network’ is established here.  The distinction between nature and artificial design has certainly been presented to us, whether we welcome the prospect or not.

Conclusions should not be drawn before they are warranted. I encourage us all to make the efforts necessary so that the proper conclusions can be established as rapidly as possible.

With best regards,

Clifford E Carnicom
Jul 07 2019