Morgellons Research Project:

Statement of Purpose

The Carnicom Institute is embarking on a first of its kind study of the Morgellons condition often referred to as Morgellons Disease. The project will start with a questionnaire process, and this is in progress at this time. Subsequent developments of data collection and/or clinical studies may develop in the future depending upon support and resources.

This research program will not be possible without the public’s participation and support. Based on what we already know, we believe that a greater understanding of the Morgellons condition is vital, and must be accomplished for the benefit of all human beings. Honest and legitimate scientific research participation is what we are providing to interested individuals. We hope that you will offer us your help.

This study will be conducted in an anonymous and confidential manner for research purposes only. There will be no medical diagnosis or individual interpretation(s) given. The research project is intended for scientific purposes and the knowledge obtained will be for the public benefit.

Disclaimer: The Carnicom Institute is a not for profit educational and research organization. It serves the public welfare. We do not advocate any particular products, protocols, or therapies related to health or environmental safeguards. The Institute is not affiliated with any political or religious groups.