Clifford E Carnicom
May 09 2009


The term “Morgellons” refers to a condition that was originally perceived to manifest primarily as an anomalous skin condition.  The visible symptoms commonly include skin lesions that resist healing and the presence of unusual filaments that emanate from sores and the skin in general.  Many individuals that demonstrate visible physical symptoms have been diagnosed as being delusional even though the physical effect upon the body is evident and the samples can be subjected to detailed examination.


More recent research strongly indicates the underlying symptoms are much deeper and more broadly distributed than has been realized, and that blood borne vectors may be a common denominator amongst affected individuals.  Any reference to supposed “delusional parasitosis” in light of the physical examinations and documentation available appears to be a gross miscarriage and misdirection of effort. The more advanced or severe cases may introduce some pyschological complexities to the issue in addition to the physical manifestations, but the data is insufficient at this point.  Erythrocyte (red blood cell) degradation and variation appears to occur in proportion to the severity of the condition. Furthermore, various erythrocyte modifications detected indicate that stem cell research should be incorporated within the investigation of the condition.


A certain level of progress has been achieved in the culturing of biological samples and the early stages of inhibition study are in progress.   Additional research indicates strong correlation and similarity of form between certain environmental and biological samples.


The presence of skin anomalies as the primary criterion for determining the existence of the condition appears to be especially deficient, and it is recommended that blood borne conditions amongst the general population be investigated in addition to any skin manifestation in the minority of the population.  The existence of the condition is now acknowledged by the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic.


Clifford E Carnicom, President
Carnicom Institute
PO Box 355
Wallace, ID