A Point of Reckoning:
Part II


Clifford E Carnicom
Sep 13 2017



The organic signature of various proteins that have been isolated from differing sample types and environments has been established to a high level of similarity. The various protein samples have been isolated from:

  1. An identified microorganism (tentatively designated as a cross-domain bacteria, CDB) that has been studied extensively and that is associated with the “Morgellons” condition.
  2. A High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) air filter.
  3. A concentrated rainfall sample.


The laboratory methods of analysis include that of:

  1. Organic extraction methods
  2. Liquid column (low pressure) chromatography
  3. Ultraviolet spectroscopy
  4. Visible light spectroscopy (colorimetric test)
  5. Bradford test for protein
  6. Infrared Analysis


Additional relevant papers on these and related samples also appear on this site within the research library.


Protein Comparison CDB HEPA Rain Aug 16 2017 - 01.JPEG

Infrared analysis and comparison of proteins isolated from a microorganism (CDB) culture, HEPA air filter and rainfall concentrate sample. The concentrations of the samples and the methods and complexity of preparation and protein isolation are vastly different in all cases; nevertheless, a high degree of similarity is apparent with specific functional group signature features. This is especially the case within the ‘functional group’ window within the spectra. The presence of the thiocyanate/isothiocyanate functional group in all samples is an additional highly significant and distinctive feature posing important health considerations.


Rainfall Condensed Sample Protein against Control Aug 21 2017.jpg LC HEPA Separation Bradford Verfication Aug 20 2017.jpg
An example of visible light spectral analysis of the Bradford colorimetric test for proteins applied to the rainfall concentrate sample. The Bradford reagent test and VIS-IR spectral analyses have been applied to all sample types identified within this report. Bradford colorimetric test for protein within rainfall concentrate sample.


Clifford E Carnicom
Sep 13 2017

Born Clifford Bruce Stewart
Jan 19 1953