What this Study is about:

The Carnicom Institute is conducting a scientific study for the purpose of identifying measureable characteristics of a unique and specific form of an environmental filament.  This study will involve a uniform collection of samples under defined protocols.  This filament form is unique in many respects, including its visual characteristics, microscopic size, elastic properties, resistance to chemical decomposition, internal structure(s), and an unusual combination of external and internal form.

filaments     filaments wrapped on a stick

Two examples of the filament material

How to  Participate and Submit Samples

This filament material has been observed and recorded on numerous occasions for more than a decade in airborne form, and at ground level.  All evidence points to a strong correlation between the existence of this material and on going geoengineering/ bioengineering projects.  As this material poses potential risks, it is essential that this filament type be properly analyzed and identified to assess its impact upon our environment and health.  There has also been a failure of governmental agencies to properly and thoroughly analyze this material, even upon repeated request.

The Carnicom Institute is conducting preliminary studies of the properties of filament samples. To our knowledge, this is the first study applied to this filament form collected under uniform and defined conditions.  At this time, our research is conditional upon available resources and equipment.  Our current capabilities include visual and microscopic analysis and comparison, qualitative chemical testing, and limited spectroscopic analysis.

The Institute desires to complete a thorough scientific analysis of this material, including chemical and biological composition in detail.   However, these tests will require additional sophisticated equipment, methods, resources, supplies, and trained personnel at cost.

Samples used in this research are to be provided by the general public, so your participation in this project is vital.  Protocols and procedures for the collection of samples are described in detail.  (see PROTOCOLS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE COLLECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL FILAMENT SAMPLES).  Data compiled from this research will be available to the public on our web site.

This project is dependent upon public funding for its conduct and completion. The success and future progress of this endeavor are completely dependent upon your involvement and donations.  Currently, our limited resources prevent us from reporting the specific analysis of any one sample.  This is a very important study that affects all of us.  To contribute financially to support this project and to broaden our capability to serve the public, please make a donation at  Thank you.

How to  Participate and Submit Samples