The presence of ambient Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves has again been verified on January 18, 2003 in Santa Fe New Mexico. The frequencies recorded by Clifford Carnicom show the same 4Hz multiples as his earlier readings, and these frequencies are likely of artificial design and with an undeclared purpose. A newer circuit used allows more sensitive measurements; sensitive enough to detect and register the electromagnetic presence of a person from several feet away. An additional topic of research is presented here as a possible correlation to the presence of these observed frequencies…that of the US military’s HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) high frequency pulses into the ionosphere that produce ELF frequencies. ELFs are used for earth penetration and subsurface communications, and though there is insufficient correlation between what is being measured in New Mexico and the HAARP waves, it is coincidental enough to be discussed in this paper. A most unexpected and unusual result of the current work is the role that the human being can assume in the detection of these frequencies. It has been found that the human organism, acting in conjunction with the primary large inductance coil (antenna) of the circuit, provides sufficient amplification to the signal to allow reliable detection and logging of the data. That is to say, if a human runs a wire in parallel from the skin to the inductor lead, the geometric form of these frequencies is easily detected.