The Transformation of a Species?
Clifford E Carnicom
Nov 28 2019

Note: Carnicom Institute is not offering any medical advice or diagnosis with the presentation of this information. CI is acting solely as an independent research entity that is providing the results of extended observation and analysis of unusual biological conditions that are evident.  Each individual must work with their own health professional to establish any appropriate course of action and any health related comments in this paper are solely for informational purposes.

An important and consequential set of observations has taken place over the course of this last year. The subject of discussion is that of human blood. The observations raise the spectre and the very real possibility of the literal transformation of a species. In this case, the species is the human being.

Anomalous Human Blood Under Disclosure
Carnicom Institute – October 2019

The data set upon which to draw definitive conclusions remains limited. Nevertheless, each individual that has been observed does show a common thread of anomalous disturbance within the blood, and the only variable to date is the degree of change.

The prelude to this paper is actually rooted within a series of previous papers that have been written over the last two decades. A few of these papers will be drawn from by example to set the stage for the recent threshold that has been crossed.

For those undesirous to follow this thread to its conclusions and propositions, it will be stated that the anomaly observed here is the alteration of blood in a combined biological and geometric sense; the end result of which remains uncertain. Those that continue to read will see the line of evidence, progression, and logic for themselves. One will then be in a better position to form their own opinion as to the significance of the events that are unfolding here.

The first paper that we should become familiar with was written via Carnicom Institute in 2009, approximately 10 years ago. This paper was titled, “A Mechanism of Blood Damage”, and it introduces the situation that we must now face, more directly, a decade later. A couple of relevant quotes and image follow:

“An organism and a method that damages the condition of the blood has now been identified and it has been directly observed.  The blood variations reported here are in direct association with the existence of and the severity of the so-called “Morgellons” condition.”

”…statistically it would certainly appear as though the general population is subject to these forms.”

From an early report in 2009 by Carnicom Insitute, titled “A Mechanism of Blood Damage”.
This paper first presented the known impact of the Cross-Domain Bacteria (CDB)[tentative nomenclature] upon human blood.

Another relevant paper that could certainly be mentioned here is titled, “Cross-Domain Bacteria Isolation”, written in May of 2014. This paper introduces the tentative “Cross-Domain Bacteria” (CDB) nomenclature in response to the protracted abstention, avoidance and neglect of the scientific, medical, and goverment communities in spite of repeated and sustained presentation of important microbiological discoveries. The following quotation and photograph serve as an introduction to this paper”

”A sufficient time period has elapsed to allow for the identification, classification and designation of a novel and ubiquitous life-form that is known to exist in association with the so-called “Morgellons” condition.  This call has thus far gone unheeded within the scientific community and more rapid progress is required.  It has been stated, by discovery (ref. The New Biology Jan 2014),  that this informal nomenclature is no longer sufficient to characterize the situation; that of an extensive, repeating and culturable life form with known properties and characteristics. ”

Any papers that are discussed here need not be in chronological order, as there remains a continuous overlap between all research topics presented on this site over the last twenty years.

However strange it may have seemed at the time that they were written, the next pair of papers introduced the prospect of modified or artificial blood existing within certain cultures that had been developed.  Several papers were written on the topic, and it is fair to say they raised the ire of certain interest groups and concerted efforts to dismiss the work were made. The work of the Institute is governed largely by the standard of repeatability, and therefore in the face of such skepticism, the blood work was repeated, repeated, and then repeated. The work stands as written.

While the notion of “artificial blood” may have seemed to be outside the norm of possibility for many of us at the time, the passage of time has shown us that the norms of biology have certainly changed dramatically over the last decade. Artificial blood research (with special emphasis upon military needs) was published publicly shortly after these papers were written. Anyone that is prone to think of biology, and artificial biology at that, need only look at the relatively recent introduction of CRISPR gene technology to show how quickly the world is changing.

Two papers that can serve as examples for this phase of the research are:

1. Blood Issues Intensify (April 2009)

2. Artificial Blood (August 2009)

A few representative images to promote curiosity are presented below. They represent some of the unexpected culture trial results of the time, along with subsequent hemoglobin testing that took place. The microscope equipment at the time was relatively young in development at the time, but all work is distinctive, unique, and repeatable to the point of need. The second paper shows significant quality improvements with microscopy equipment and techniques. Readers should also pay attention to the unmistakable presence of the CDB in blood samples either examined or cultured, also well over 10 years ago.

Culture work and Hemoglobin Tests from the Paper “Blood Issues Intensify”,
Apr 2009.  Magnification approx. 3000x.

Unique erythrocytic (blood) and CDB culture work by Carnicom Institute in 2009.
Magnification approx. 8000 – 10000x.

Before we go further, let’s address the question of “where”. Where does this unusual and specific microbe exist and come from?

The answer, at this point is “environmental”. It now exists in the general environment, at a global level, in any and all physical samples that have been examined. The include air, water, soil, and food as first examples. Any strategies or thought of hiding from, denying, avoiding, or refusing to acknowledge the omnipresent existence of this specific microbe appear to be in folly and vain at this point. “Elimination” of the microbe also would appear to be a fruitless enterprise. It is here, and nothing foreseeable shows that it will disappear. Our world is full of microbes; some neutral, some harmful and some benign. Not everyone is affected in the same way under the influence of various microbes, even those that have been identified as harmful. These statements should be kept in perspective as we , as a species, continue to sort out our relationship with this particular microbe. The earth and life are not static entities, and adaptability to changing circumstances are a hallmark of survival of a species. That is no different here.

All that being said, beyond the question of where it exists, is, where does or did it come from? This is a fair game question, however unpleasant that answer may be. The known evidence is this: the first identified source of this particular microbe is traced to an unusual airborne filament sample, with first examinations taking place in 1999. The United States Environmental Protection Agency was involved in those early discoveries, and the response of that agency can be found here:


EPA Refuses to Identify Sample (Jun 2000)


This researcher regards the EPA response as legally actionable for more than two decades, however no known legal challenge to the EPA’s stated position has been put forth. Carnicom Institute has made its crticism of the EPA decision known for this same twenty year period, and the state of public health continues to be affected by that decision to this day. This microbe now is broadly distributed across the full spectrum of the global environment.

It is also appropriate to make mention of a paper titled, “Morgellons : An Enviromental Source”, written in December of 2009. This was the first of many papers to follow that established the claim that the origin of the CDB was indeed environmental and of filament association. Although the microscopy at the time was relatively modest, the paper made justifiable basis to this claim that has only been verified in a continous sense since. As stated at the time,

“An environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called “Morgellons” condition, has been identified.   This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare.  The United States EPA refused to acknowledge the existence of the sample for a period of one and one-half years, and subsequently returned the sample without identification after a Freedom of Information Act request for accounting was submitted by a third party.”

“This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition. ”

Although a score or more of research papers relevant to the previous discussion could easily be presented, let us now advance to a more recent, and enigmatic, threshold of discovery. This is the subject matter of a much more recent paper titled, “Complex Observations, Unknown Consequence”, written in July of 2019. Once again, the photographs under the microscope are the evidence that we must consider. In this partcular case, the sample under observation was that of urine incubated under refrigeration for an extended period. Once again, a couple of quotations and photographs are presented to open up the new territory that is now before us:

“Significant, highly significant “geometric” development and formation involving the CDB microbe is most definitely on display here. Such observations at this level of uniqueness have never before been witnessed or recorded by this researcher in the two decades of research that precedes it.”

“There are obviously some important questions to ask here. One of these most certainly involves investigating the ‘driving force’, or cause of geometry now being introduced into the extensive microbial study that has brought us to this point.  It is certainly warranted to open the discussion as to whether or not a biological ‘circuit’ or ‘network’ is established here. The distinction between nature and artificial design has certainly been presented to us, whether we welcome the prospect or not.”

Microphotograph of remarkable geometric “Cross-Domain Bacteria” (CDB) arrangement and development within an incubated urine sample. This represents the revelation of “ordered” structure of the CDB (“Cross-Domain Bacteria”) microbe that is known to be causal to the Morgellons condition. Each small sphere visible is a single CDB microbe that is approx. 0.3 microns in diameter. The period of incubation for the urine sample is approx. 6 months. Approx. magnification is 8000x

Although there is a long list of papers that will substantiate the progression of evidence presented here, we are now in a position to examine a more contemporary, but nevertheless related set of events. These events involve human blood and, once again, the issue returns closer to home.

We must now look at another extraordinary development, and that is the alteration of the fundamental morphology and geometry of red blood cells (erythrocytes) by the CDB microbe. It is now to be understood and accepted that Carnicom Institute puts forth the claim that the specific microbe under study here is causal to what has become known as the Morgellons health condition.

MIcroscopic images of anomalous human blood. Erythrocytes are infused with Cross-Domain Bacteria (CDB – tentative nomenclature). Cell membranes remain intact. Original magnification with photo to left is approx. 4000x. Digital magnification with photograph on right. Organized, structured, and packed CDB within the blood is evident. A comparison of these images with the anomalous urine samples above is appropriate.

It should also be known, at this time, that the images above are extraordinary and are restricted, at this level of development, to come from a single individual. However, as a complement to this statement, the blood of every individual does exhibit some degree of variation that is caused by the presence of the CDB. The case shown here appears to represent a more uniform and sophisticated evolution of changes that are now known to occur within human blood. The fact that the cell membranes are intact and that no material structural damage to the cells is evident is a remarkable event in its own right. Additional comments will be made on this fact later in this discussion, as this is known to not always be the case. In fact, it is known that structural damage to the cellular integrity is a much more common occurrence. At this time, there is only one individual known that has exhibited, AT THE LEVEL SHOWN, the change in human blood shown above. The data set remains incomplete. How many individuals are affected, to the above degree, remains unknown at this time. The changes are, however, scientifically valuable enough to warrant this disclosure.

Fortunately, although the data set is limited, there are some comparisons that can be made with other individuals. The blood of approximately a half dozen additional individuals has been observed under similar conditions and equipment to the case shown above. What is found that a “gradation” of CDB influence occurs within the other individuals. This ranges, therefore, from that of limited presence of the CDB to that of blood that shows serious compromise to the red blood cellular integrity. Examples of the extreme ends of the ranges that have been observed will be shown below. All individuals show some influence of the CDB presence, and this has been the case since initial blood observations were made years ago.

Before additional ‘control’ samples are introduced, let us state again that a unique attribute of the blood sample above is that the cell geometry remains in apparent integrity, and that the cell membranes do not show serious degradation as has been commonly observed over time.

Photo 1: Male, approx. 65 years

Photo 2: Female, approx. 70 years

Photo 3: Female, approx. 35 years

Additional random samples of relatively recent blood observations
Extended discussion below

A few comments are in order here, as we are fortunate to have a few “control” cases that we can make comparisons with. First, these photos are not selective; they can be regarded as a random sample of the population. No observations of individuals without some degree of CBD infusion are available at this time.

It can seen that all individuals, at least to some degree. are subject to the phenomenon of CDB infusion and packing. Although remarkable in its own right, this finding is also consistent with that prepared from random samplings of the population many years ago. We may also infer, at least from the limited sample above, that age or sex do not appear to be primary variables that affect the degree of CDB infusion within the blood.

Let us discuss each case in somewhat more detail. Photo 1 is an interesting case in that it represents the least impact from the CDB in the cases shown. We also see that a higher age of the individual also does not necessarily correspond to the degree of CDB infusion shown. It is known that this individual is extremely selective and disciplined with respect to diet. I think that it can be fairly stated that this individual has devoted a great deal of attention to quality of diet and nutrition over an extended period of time. Certainly a highly disciplined and healthful diet is to be considered as a factor in any future studies of this type. We also acknowledge, however, that such devoted efforts do not, in this case, entirely prevent the intrusion or infusion of CDB within the blood cells.

It is also known that the individual of Photo 2 is also quite selective with respect to diet; although likely to a lesser degree than that from Photo 1. In this case we do see extensive CDB infusion. We also notice the cell membranes remain generally intact, although the circular geometry of the cells appears to be more disturbed than that from Photo 1. We also notice the presence of a couple of white blood cells (larger) that are heavily infused with the CDB, presumably in an attempt to remove the extensive microbe population from the blood.

Photo 3 demonstrates age is not necessarily any barrier to the onset of CDB infusion. One may examine this issue more deeply with the past research paper titled “And Now Our Children” (Jan, 2008) on this site. What is noticed in this case is a higher level of CDB infusion along with a greater deterioration in the blood cell membrane integrity. No information on the dietary or life style attributes are known in the case.

As we approach the tail of disclosure of important blood changes within the general population, there remains an additional intriguing chapter to report. The “transformation”, or changes that are underway, continue to evolve in unexpected and unknown ways, and with unknown consequences to human life.

The individual blood sample that has been highlighted within this report continues to show significant and anomalous changes within the blood.

There is, fortunately, a rather long history of blood observations for this individual, and at one time the damage shown was as severe as any that has ever been shown on this site. The reasons for the various changes that have taken place over the years, generally in the direction of improving cellular integrity, are likely involved and dependent upon the research of Carnicom Institute over the years. The latest disclosures, however, represent a most profound change in the state of affairs. The ante has now been raised, and it already was extraordinarily high.

Here is the most current situation:

Approximately three months after the blood observations of this report were made, a more recent set has been collected. Change has continued to take place, and the current status is shown below:

Recent blood observations from the individual previously exhibiting uniform and dense CDB infusion. The blood remains abnormal with the presence of the central “bulls eye” effect. The presence of a centralized CDB within the cells exists as a strong possibility. There has been previous observations over the years of this nature; what is distinct here is the uniformity of presence within each erythrocyte and the continued integrity of the cell membrane within a sustained anomalous CDB infusion state. The blood conditions of thalassemia (hereditary), codocytes, and macrocytes do not seem to apply in this case; all evidence points to the CDB as the source of the blood change. Hemoglobin tests in the past for this this individual have produced normal results. Original magnification is approx 8000x; detail image to right.

In summary:

1. All blood samples examined visually over the course of existence of Carnicom Insitute or related research has shown the presence, at least to some detectable degree, of the Cross-Domain Bacteria (CDB – tentative nomenclature). The degree of impact to the cell integrity, and consequently to the human species, varies from less to severe.

2. Carnicom Institute makes the claim that the CDB are causal to the health condition that has assumed the name of “Morgellons” by the general public. No formal acceptance of the reality of this health condition by the general scientific or medical communities currently exists.

3. States of blood examined show frequent changes to cell morphology and integrity; this change appears to result primarily from the presence of the CDB within the blood.

4. CDB infusion within the cells can reach remarkable levels. The infusion impact spans a wide range of impact, from that of severe cellular damage to that of orderly and geometric arrangement. An amazing combination of massive geometric CDB infusion coupled with no detectable impact upon cellular integrity has now been observed and recorded.

5. The statistically significant presence and distribution of the CDB amongst the population observed, the sustained length of the observation period, and the phenomenal changes that are recorded herein force us to consider new boundaries on the state of human existence, cellular networking, and genetics.

6. The cultures, biological molecules and DNA of this specific microbe can be produced as a result of the research of Carnicom Institute. Primary answers exist within the DNA of this species. There need not be any ambiguity on these affairs, and the means to resolve certain problems and answer important questions on the observations shown here does exist.

7. There is no particular benefit to extrapolating the demonstrated scientific accomplishments to the point of unwarranted conjecture or claims. The substance of what is known about the microbe is sufficient to establish the further required campaign of discovery. Our work is now cut out before us, and any delay, avoidance, or denial will only compound the uncertainties that remain.

May God help us all.

Clifford E Carnicom
Born Clifford Bruce Stewart, Jan 19 1953

Thanksgiving Day
Nov 26, 2019