Clifford E Carnicom
Feb 09 2003

All citizens are requested to become familiar with the following briefing paper.  The paper is written by Dennis Papadopoulos, Physics Department, of the University of Maryland, in connection with the Eisenhower Institute.  The paper is in a .pdf format, and is entitled “Satellite Threat Due to High Altitude Nuclear Detonations”. The paper outlines a method that employs the use of ELF propagation from the HAARP transmitter as a means to protect satellites from the effects of nuclear explosions at altitude.  All constituents of this system are identified as primary research topics of the aerosol operations.  Readers, researchers, citizens and activists are encouraged to become familiar with the conceptual basis of this briefing, and to disseminate this paper.  Please devote special attention to the final pages of the report.  The posting of this information is not meant in any way to impart finality or singularity of purpose to the aerosol operations; to the contrary, numerous applications have been identified as being feasible under the modified state of the atmosphere that now exists.  As an example, biological operations, environmental modifications, alternative weapon systems and applications are not a consideration within this report. The comprehensive nature of the ELF – SATELLITE – HAARP -AEROSOL(charged particle control) connection, however, deserves careful evaluation by all citizens.

Excerpt from briefing paper entitled:
“Satellite Threat Due to High Altitude Nuclear Detonations”
Dennis Papadopoulous, Physics Dept., University of Maryland 

Link to online briefing paper in .pdf format:

Alternative On-Site Download Link
3 Megs, .pdf file