This paper outlines how much visibility in our day and night skies has decreased after 4 years of known aerosol spraying programs. By measuring orders of magnitude of the brightness of stars by observation for example, Carnicom presents a mathematical analysis showing a drastic decrease in visibility as a result of the particulates from aerosols obscuring our views of stars. Carnicom’s calculations also show a decrease in visibility in daylight skies from 90-120 miles to around 15 miles.
Natural Medicine for The Times, Dr. Gwen Scott, N.D.

Natural Medicine for The Times, Dr. Gwen Scott, N.D.

Dr. Gwen Scott discusses vitamins, nutrients and other healthy items for maintaining good health. Dr. Scott also gives natural ideas for common ailments, like colds, allergies, sinus infections, and more, as well as detoxification from aerosol particulates, relief from gastrointestinal distress and depression. Things to avoid are also part of this article, such as sugar substitutes, aspirin and other laboratory concocted chemicals. Lots of healthy tips are in this article for staying healthy, vibrant, and aware.
Meditation: 100% COUNTERMEASURE for ‘Targets of Electronic Harassment by Leslie Oliver

Meditation: 100% COUNTERMEASURE for ‘Targets of Electronic Harassment by Leslie Oliver

This page is comprised of a paper written by Leslie Oliver that discusses using meditation as a way to not be affected by the electromagnetic radiation from systems like HAARP, et al, and an article about Mind Control in the UK and US written by Tim Rifat. Leslie talks about the changing of the body vibration to allow these negative frequency bands to flow through us, to even energize us, rather than ‘hitting’ us by staying in a vibrational pattern that ‘hardens’ us to this radiation. The discussion also expands to seeing what is being done to us from these radiation sources as ‘illusion’ and not believing they are real. As such, the negative effects of these vibrations can be mitigated by finding harmony within the body and mind. Tim Rifat’s article addresses mind control and related weaponry through the use of ELF radiation from pulse modulated microwave phone systems and more. The impetus for these weapons is laid out, as well as documentation of researchers who were funded by the UK’s Mi5 and the US’s CIA to design these weapons.


A web based calculator for estimating lower atmospheric magnetic properties is included on this page. By plugging values of electron density, ELF range, element and atomic mass number, and Van de Graaf spark length, this calculator estimates electromagnetic properties of the lower atmosphere, including predicted Whistler frequency, Alfven wave frequency, plasma frequency, lower atmospheric conductivity and more. Mathematical calculations for manually calculating these same values are included in a discussion also on this page.


Large numbers of colonies of mold have evolved during the incubation period in what is the second atmospheric test for molds discussed on this page. This second mold test (see the Carnicom paper on the first test titled ATMOSPHERIC MOLD IS ABUNDANT dated March 14, 2003) was conducted in a dry high desert environment on a day of low wind and clear skies. Mold propagation should be unsuitable under these conditions, yet there were at least 40 counted in this test. Molds are now classified as one of the leading causes of allergies, and almost all chronic sinus infections are a result of molds. Citizens may wish to act upon the health implications of these findings, as well as the documented increase that has occurred in the ailments mentioned above. It is hoped that additional testing will now begin by citizens in various locations, indoors and outdoors, to assess the extent and nature of this environmental condition. It appears likely that this test may be representative of the general state of affairs.


Citing earlier concerns about and research into the topic of changing conductivity of the atmosphere from aerosol chemicals (see the previous Carnicom paper titled ATMOSPHERIC CONDUCTIVITY dated July 9, 2001 for more information on this topic), Carnicom discusses a method to estimate the atmospheric conductivity using a Van de Graaf generator. This generator uses a rated voltage capacity to cause sparks using the conductivity of the air as the medium. The longer the spark that can be achieved when the generator is activated, the more conductive the atmosphere is. Results presented in this work indicate an increase in the conductivity of the lower atmosphere by a factor of approximately 3 to 20 from a baseline ‘normal’ known value of air. The benefit of the current study is that it provides an estimate as to the magnitude of the change in atmospheric conductivity using relatively simple methods and equipment. Provided on this paper is a calculator that can be used to predict the ratio of increase in conductivity relative to the expected value of a normal atmosphere, as is a detailed mathematical analysis showing the calculations used to determine how to measure conductivity of the atmosphere and the use of electron density for this determination .


This page gives a link to HSV Technologies, Incorporated ( that details this company’s development of a laser beam weapon that can immobilize people and animals at a distance. A quote from the HSV website: “HSV Technologies Inc. of San Diego, California is developing a non-lethal weapon that uses ultraviolet laser beams to harmlessly immobilize people and animals at a distance. The Phaser-like device uses two beams of UV radiation to ionize paths in the air along which electrical current is conducted to and from the target. In effect, the beams create wires through the atmosphere wherever they are pointed. The current within these beams is a close replication of the neuro-electric impulses that control skeletal muscles…”


There appears to be an increasingly obvious connection between the existence of aerosol banks close to ground level, the existence of extreme variations in local magnetic field intensity, and the existence of highly pulsed VLF data. This paper outlines existing theories and new ones, and shows the continuing correlations among these theories with observations and data collected during Carnicom’s experiments. Graphics shown on this page are the result of testing done on April 5, 2003, and give the reader an idea of how anomalous the magnetic and VLF readings were throughout the day in direct connection with these lowered aerosol banks and increased winds. The presence of lowered aerosol banks appears to be increasingly important toward the capture of this data. There is also an increasing likelihood that the existence of these pulses is associated with sunlight. Such pulses have yet to be captured under periods of darkness or extensive cloud cover.


An inquiry into ambient magnetic strengths is the subject of this Carnicom paper, along with potential associations of these findings with the HAARP facility also discussed. The overall result of this study tis to understand the immense amount of energy available from the HAARP project, and the very real potential of that facility to affect, as an absolute minimum, human biology, physiology, and mental and neural functioning. This study begins with observations of magnetic strength around a series of residential power lines outside Santa Fe, New Mexico. Questions that are asked and addressed through mathematical calculations are: 1) How strong should the magnetic field around a rural residential power line be?; 2) How far away can and should it be measurable?; 3) How strong should the electrical field be around these wires, and how far away can it be expected to have an influence?; 4) At what distance is the biological effect from these ELF waves of no further consequence? An analysis of these questions, with supporting direct measurements, is the crux of this paper. Formulas are given and discussed for related items such as the strength of the magnetic field around a wire of current, and the relationship between the maximum electrical field strength and the maximum magnetic field strength, among others. The resulting equation provides a useful way to estimate the distance that we should be to reduce the intensity to a desired level, given that the power line is carrying a certain amount of current.


Very Low Frequency (VLF) pulse data has again been captured and graphed in this paper, after several days of relative inactivity. Carnicom notes that there seems to be a likelihood that the existence of these pulses is associated with sunlight. Such pulses have yet to be captured under periods of darkness or extensive cloud cover. The role of ionization with respect to the aerosol operations is to be strongly considered in the evaluation of this topic, as is the use of harmonics in evaluating the captured data. A quote from this paper comes from the Military’s Executive Summary of the HAARP program: “The military’s own Executive Summary of the HAARP program clearly stated their reliance on ELF waves. Instead of transmitting these waves from ground based transmitters, HAARP created these waves through the use of “pulse” transmissions of their HF energy beams. Or, to put it another way, HAARP duplicated the ELF signals by turning their signal on and off at rates (30 to 3000 cycles per second) within the ELF range. The result was that ELF radiation could be directed to a specific area on the surface of the planet, at will.”


The direction from which the maximum Very Low Frequency-Extremely Low Frequency (VLF-ELF) originates has been verified from testing done in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This direction is in accordance with the expectation that the magnetic field lines of the earth are the primary carriers of this energy. Using a measurement test with a loop directional antenna, the results show that the maximum level of energy is received by the antenna in the direction from magnetic north to magnetic south. The test setup for this experiment is included in this paper. The following statement from the 1987 patent by Bernard Eastlund, generally regarded as an accurate template for the HAARP project, is presented as being especially relevant to the above finding: “This invention related to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the earth’s surface and more particularly related to a method and apparatus for altering said at least one region by initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the earth’s surface essentially parallel to and along naturally-occurring, divergent magnetic field lines which extend from the earth’s surface through the region or regions to be altered.” A knowledge of cyclotronic resonance (especially of physiologically important ions), circular polarization and HAARP technology will be of increasing importance to understand in relation to the aerosol operations.


Audio files have been created by a member of the message board using data captured in previous Carnicom experiments. The reader can reference the paper titled A THIRD PATTERN OBSERVED: VERY LOW FREQUENCY PULSE SWITCHING (dated March 1, 2003) that shows the captures that were used to produce the audio files on this page. The pulse pattern is clearly of an artificial nature, and readers are encouraged to view the papers titled THE EARTH IS THE ANTENNA (dated March 18, 2003) and VLF PULSES AND HAARP (dated March 23, 2003) for related topics.