An inquiry into ambient magnetic strengths is the subject of this Carnicom paper, along with potential associations of these findings with the HAARP facility also discussed. The overall result of this study tis to understand the immense amount of energy available from the HAARP project, and the very real potential of that facility to affect, as an absolute minimum, human biology, physiology, and mental and neural functioning. This study begins with observations of magnetic strength around a series of residential power lines outside Santa Fe, New Mexico. Questions that are asked and addressed through mathematical calculations are: 1) How strong should the magnetic field around a rural residential power line be?; 2) How far away can and should it be measurable?; 3) How strong should the electrical field be around these wires, and how far away can it be expected to have an influence?; 4) At what distance is the biological effect from these ELF waves of no further consequence? An analysis of these questions, with supporting direct measurements, is the crux of this paper. Formulas are given and discussed for related items such as the strength of the magnetic field around a wire of current, and the relationship between the maximum electrical field strength and the maximum magnetic field strength, among others. The resulting equation provides a useful way to estimate the distance that we should be to reduce the intensity to a desired level, given that the power line is carrying a certain amount of current.