Newsletter: February 2015
In this edition of the newsletter:
Carnicom Institute Moves Forward in 2015
CI Moves to New Facility
In the late fall of 2014 the Carnicom Institute lab was moved to a new facility across town, but still in Wallace, Idaho. The new space is considerably larger, making it possible for expanded research opportunities. The space was filled immediately with Clifford having better access to his equipment, books, and lab gear. This transition represents a significant improvement, but CI has even greater ambitions for the future which will require more modern equipment and more space.
Morgellons Research Project Rollout Planned
We at CI know that many people are eager to be involved in the MRP and we are pleased to announce that the first phase of the MRP, an online survey, is very close to being rolled out onto the Carnicom Institute website. This survey will allow participants to anonymously answer questions that pertain to their health with a space to add other pertinent information not covered in the survey questions. The last step needed before this survey becomes public is the IRB – Institutional Review Board, a process of evaluation that ensures the appropriateness of the survey and the confidentiality of the process. We have a folder with names of people who have already indicated a desire to be a part of the project. If you would like to be considered as a candidate for the MRP, please send an email to info@carnicominstitute.org and let us know. You will be contacted by email when the project is ready to begin.
GeoEngineering & Climate Model
This is a model to estimate climate change from applying changes in greenhouse gas concentrations relative to the current rates of increase. It also provides for introducing various aerosols and into the atmosphere. It also includes the simulation of random events upon climate change. It will also estimate mortality impacts upon the population. The model is based upon several factors, such as a differential analysis of the specific heat of a mixture of gases, the specific heats and albedos of various aerosols, and mortality projections.
CDB Lipids :
An Introductory Analysis
(In Progress)
An introductory and primarily qualitative analysis of certain lipids that have been extracted from the cross-domain bacteria (CDB), as they are designated on an interim level by this researcher, has been made. Lipids are a primary biological molecule within any living organism and future studies of this component will be of the greatest importance.


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Alan Turing
In a continuing desire to credit great figures who have been mostly unrecognized in history, we are introducing Alan Turing, one of the least known but most brilliant of minds of the 20th century. Alan Turing was born on June 23, 1912, in London. As well as being a mathematician and educator, he was a wartime code-breaker and pioneer of computer science. He studied King’s College in Cambridge, England 1931 to 1934. As a result of his thesis “On Computable Numbers,” Turing was elected a fellow at the school upon his graduation. He was essential in the war efforts of WWII, breaking the complex code used by the Germans called Enigma. After the war. Turing went on to hold high-ranking positions in the mathematics department and later the computing laboratory at the University of Manchester in the late 1940s. He developed the concept of a two-digit computing system that later become the basis of the operating systems of computers. In spite of his brilliance and his service to his country, he was prosecuted by his own government and forced to take chemicals that altered his mind and body, eventually driving him to suicide at the age of 41. The English government apologized posthumously.
Amanda’s Blurb:
Some readers may know that Clifford Carnicom has written hundreds of research papers on the topics that many of us are just now beginning to become aware of. He started doing this in 1999. The aerosol operations, the lack of response from public officials to letters of inquiry, fibers found in ground samples, ionization, radiation, the condition known as Morgellons, and countless other subjects have been studied extensively by Clifford and painstakingly documented in these papers. It is currently my job to transfer, and edit if needed, these documents and photos to a more modern site where the material will be easier to read. I am happy to do this long-term task because I learn as I go from papers starting 16 years ago and arriving at where we are today. I hope you, too, will benefit from the knowledge that’s been laid out for us, so that we have a clearer picture of the situation.
CI Collaborates with National Health Freedom Coalition
Late on the night of September 23rd, Clifford Carnicom, founder and president of Carnicom Institute, set out by train from Spokane, Washington to attend the 2014 United States Health Freedom Congress in St. Paul Minnesota.
He was invited by Diane Miller, JD, Director of Law and Public Policy for the National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC), and the National Health Freedom Action.

Donations Needed
for Infrared Spectrometer
CI is at an impasse with its current equipment. There is a very urgent need for a modern infrared spectrometer which is essential for the next stage in the research. The cost of this equipment is $14,000. About $1,000 of this has been raised thus far. The Environmental Filament Project, as well as other projects and research, cannot move forward without this vital piece of equipment. Please consider a generous donation toward the purchase of the infrared spectrometer.
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In these times, those who understand the challenges facing us need to step forward to meet these challenges. Volunteering with CI is an excellent means of doing so. Volunteers enter into all aspects of CI’s important and often fascinating work and ensure the continuing development of the organization.
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