Clifford E Carnicom
May 30 2001


A crystalline form has been recently identified within atmospheric samples collected in Santa Fe NM by the methods of electrostatic precipitation which have been outlined previously. Metallic salts are typical examples of crystalline forms. A potentially significant alteration to the precipitation method used has recently been incorporated; these methods introduce both sonic and vapor fields in the collection container. These additions have been made due to the stated improvement in aggregation by the use of these methods. The precipitation occurs on clean glass microscope slides. The crystalline forms are abundant within atmospheric samples collected approximately 1 week ago.


The crystalline forms are essentially colorless and transparent, and are fairly difficult to identify with a visual light microscope. Geometric patterns within the forms are quite evident, often including a zig-zag or wave structure. Rain water samples collected from last year appear to contain the same structures, although again the visual identification remains difficult due to both concentration and transparency. Research on both fronts of identification will continue. The consideration of atmospheric particulate matter easily visible and identifiable under proper light conditions is of high importance.


Initial chemical tests indicate the crystalline forms may be soluble under treatment with hydrochloric acid. Sulfuric acid appears to have little to no effect. The chemistry of barium compounds is also a strong consideration with respect to the analysis currently underway.


Size of the crystal forms varies considerably , along with form. Reasonable estimates of size appear to range from 30 to 70 microns. No organic attributes are evident at this time.


Magnification of these images is rather large, at approximately 2000x.



Magnification Approx 2000x.
Note wave structure visible.


Magnification Approx 2000x.
Note zig-zag wave structure visible.


Magnification Approx 2000x.
Note zig-zag wave structure visible.


Magnification Approx 2000x.
Note zig-zag wave structure visible.