AUGUST 16 2000

The following presentation relates to and is dependent upon the web page entitled Gel Fallout Reports as available on

gel1 gel 2
Unidentified Cell Type- 45microns / Pine Pollen -50 microns

gel 3
Ribbed Linear Form of Gel

A portion of the gel sample reported on that page has now been observed under the microscope. The material as received appears as a transparent gel which lined the plastic bag in which it was contained. The material available for viewing was limited, and was not in any solid opaque form. The decision was made to use the clear plastic bag itself, lined with the gel material, as the cover slip for the microscope slide. The material is adhesive in nature, and allows for contact with the glass slide. Magnification shown is 480x.

There are three re-occurring forms or objects that occur uniformly across gel samples which were observed within three separate slides that were prepared:

1. Unidentified Circular Cell (approx. 45 microns in diameter)
2. Pine Pollen, identical in appearance to that identified in Santa Fe rainwater analysis June 26-27 2000 (measured previously at approximately 50 microns in diameter)
3. Geometrically, often tapering, ribbed linear forms, apparently produced from the gel material itself as it lines the plastic surface of the plastic bag. (Variable dimension)

Following are additional images taken from this microscope session:

gel 4 gel 5

gel 6 gel 7

gel 8 gel 9

gel 10 gel 11

An attempt has been made to seek identification of the particular species of pine pollen that is shown with an inquiry to the University of Arizona. The following reply was received:

“Sorry, pine identification is very difficult even with
the critical features showing. The illustrations you
have sent cannot be used for identification.”

Within my own investigation of attempting identification of the species shown, the best match occurring thus far is Pinus Elliotii, also known as Jack Pine, Slash Pine, Pitch Pine, Southern Pine. This species of interest grows in the Southeast portion of the United States. This attempt at identification is based upon the following websites:

It is of interest that one of the samples showing pollen grains comes from rainwater in Santa Fe NM, and the other sample comes from a gel fallout sample collected in California in the Sacramento region.

Clifford E Carnicom
August 16 2000