Human Transformation : Synthetic Blood, Bioplastics,
and the Global Blood Clot

Clifford E Carnicom
Nov 18 2023

Although the work remains in infancy in a relative sense, certain facts can now be stated with certainty.  The human race is in a state of biological transformation.  Whether this transformation will lead to extinction of our species as we know it is uncertain, but it is quite possible.

The source of that transformation is synthetic biology introduced onto the planet a minimum of 25 years+ ago.  More specifically, it is a genetically engineered microbe (synthetic biology) at the root of the matter; this was named out of necessity by Carnicom Institute (CI) approximately a decade ago as a Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB).  As has been mentioned, nomenclature was introduced only after the scientific and professional communities perpetually failed to participate in the disclosure.  The nomenclature continues to be justified in a technical sense as laboratory evidence accrues.

The purpose of this paper is to explain from where and how the increased coagulation and clotting of blood, as more commonly reported during recent years, is occurring.

In essence, here is what is taking place, from the opening CI laboratory notes of Nov 17 2023:


“The picture looks increasingly clear. It would seem that we have a genetically engineered co-polymerization process taking place here. The process involves synthetic blood, an aromatic protein polymer, and a synthetic rubber equivalent polymer. Their origin is the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB). The result is increased coagulation or a clotting of the blood. The end result is definitely a lethal threat.”


You may consider the above to be the abstract for this paper if you wish to go no further.

CI has maintained a focus on this particular microbe for many years. It has seeded itself throughout all biology on this planet in ways that most of us would rather deny.  There are relationships between this synthetic biology and the  “Covid Era“, as I call it, even if not yet fully understood or properly defined.  One thing that does bind non-consensual geoengineering, bioengineering, decades of assimilated synthetic biology, and the Covid Era together, however, is your blood.  The synthetic biology world is far more advanced than many of us are aware of, and we can go back more than 25 years to start learning how so.

A paper that strongly introduces the synthetic blood and biology reality is:

Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) : Synthetic Blood & Hemoglobin (Nov 2023)

(As an additional note on that paper, another physical property in the synthetic blood has been matched beyond the existence of hemoglobin.  This property is the isoelectric point, and it is a measure of the electrical charge of a protein.  By the method of titration, there is a match found between the dominant isoelectric point of the human blood proteome and that of the synthetic blood.)


Synthetic Blood Cells from Cultured Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)
(CDB can also be seen within the cells)
Original magnification 8000x


The deduction of clot forming ability from synthetic biology culture information in comparison to an actual human clot requires some effort; let us begin by studying some of the products of the culturing process.  The culturing process of the CDB can produce many different protein manifestations and that is an entire discussion in its own right.  However, a dominant metabolic product is a water soluble protein complex.  Let’s focus on that product for now, as that compound alone is sufficient to produce the synthetic blood.

The fact that it contains a water soluble protein is extremely important in its own right; it means that it will easily distribute itself throughout the body. The protein solution in this native form is highly acidic, and that too will have its own discussion over time.  In addition to this, the nature of the protein solution is very sensitive to pH (acid or base) changes.  The importance of these properties such as solubility, pH, and temperature will become apparent over future months as we delve into them more deeply.

It will be found that this protein(s) solution can be further separated into two components by pH control, one which remains in solution and the other a precipitate.  For the purpose of this paper, let us select the portion that remains in solution.

This is where the discussion that leads to synthetic blood and polymerization (i.e, protein-bioplastic/synthetic rubber development) begins.  A tool that is almost always helpful to understand the nature of matter is infrared spectrometry, and here is some additional information for us:

Near infrared (NIR) spectra of  Cultured CDB Protein/Polymer

The spectrum above is a signature of the response of the CDB solution mentioned above to infrared energy.  A high level of uniqueness exists within infrared spectra.

(On the technical side, what interests us here is the right side of the plot, where we have high absorbance of infrared energy taking place between 1500-1650 nm.  We will also give additional attention to the defined peaks at ~1520, ~ 1598 and ~ 1640 nm.    The 1520 nm region corresponds to amide, polyamide, and amine functional groups. The 1598 region corresponds to the polyamide groups.  The 1620-1640 nm range corresponds heavily to vinyl groups. (Source: Practical Guide & Spectral Atlas for Interpretive Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, CRC Press)).

In general, we have high absorbance in the protein and vinyl groups of NIR.  This plot is only one of many compounds and derivatives that the CDB culture can produce. Ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy further confirms the existence of protein as well as polymers within this separated solution.  Physical and microscopic observation as well as qualitative polymeric chemistry also fully support the claim of polymerization that is active.  Dozens of additional analyses completed or that are active support the conclusions of this paper.

This is the making of a blood clot when you know that the originating synthetic biology produces polymeric proteins, polymeric bioplastics and synthetic blood.

The clotting process from the CDB has also been observed under the microscope and is further described at:

Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) Protein : The Fallout Emerges (Sep 2023)

This investigation is only one phase of what the CDB is observed to be capable of.  This analysis alone is sufficient to provide an understanding of the human blood clots that have been studied previously. Please also see:

Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein (Jul 2023)

The Covid Era has undoubtedly introduced its own complications into the web of synthetic biology that we have entered for a minimum of the last 25 years.  It is not, however, sufficient to explain the depth nor the impact of damage that precedes it and that now envelops us with its accompanying global scope.  Two and a half decades of synthetic biology is.  We had best extend our our eyesight to understand the extent and threat of our condition.

And thus, the purpose of this paper has been met.  It represents only one portion of the claims that are now justified based upon the existence of this synthetic biology.  This singular issue may well affect, however, the fate of the human race.

If we wish to understand how and why reports of increased blood clotting (and death) are occurring, we may start here.

Clifford E Carnicom
Nov 18 2023

Born Clifford Bruce Stewart, Jan 19 1953