The following message is posted by Clifford E Carnicom
on the message board attached to www.carnicom.com
at : http://pub8.ezboard.com/fchemtrailschemtrails.html
and is followed by 26 replies as of 07/19/2000


Preliminary Review

The conditions of posting in this forum are well established. In addition, any individuals in the
future positively associated with the pilot’s forum in England that promoted the earlier hoax on
this issue and that violated United States federal law (Electronics Communications Privacy
Act) will be removed. Fraud, or any association with a source that promotes it, will not be
tolerated on this board.

The public can review the historical records of posting of that pilot’s forum at:
Professional Pilots Rumor Network (PPRUNE)
The posts of greatest relevance are entitled:
Chemtrail Lads at it Again – Pilot Attack
Chemtrail Site – Banned!
You Have to read this!!!- Chemtrails trash

That forum is historically responsible for perpetrating fraud, and the peer atmosphere of jest
remains visible throughout recent postings. Additional false or misleading graphics (unidentified
aircraft panel) have recently been submitted both privately and through this message board.
Multiple logins have occurred. Stated actions of deception and impersonation exist. ANYONE
associated with fraud, OR A FRAUDULENT SOURCE, will not be given the privilege of posting on
this message board.

It has also been stated that any member of that forum will be considered on an individual
basis for permission to post on the condition of submitting identifying information to me as
outlined below.

A preliminary review of recent postings on this forum has been conducted. The following
anonymous parties are removed from participation on this message board:

Chemical Brother
Jigsawblue – Jigsawgreen

If any readers note that participants of this board are associated with the following forum:
Professional Pilots Rumor Network (PPRUNE)


please notify the message board publicly and/or me privately at info@carnicominstitute.org

The record of previous postings by these individuals in most cases will be left on the board as
public notice. Other parties may be subject to removal upon further evaluation. Any party
that has been removed that wishes to be given further consideration for posting will be
required to send an email to info@carnicominstitute.org stating their full name, address,
telephone number, pprune user name, internet service provider and a statement of rationale
for permission to post. I reserve the right of judgement in all such cases.

Parties removed in the future will not necessarily be identified. The condition of
correspondence by email to me remains regardless of whether public notice of removal is given
or not.

For those that apparently do not understand what has been stated above, it will be repeated:

“The conditions of posting in this forum are well established. In addition, any individuals in the
future positively associated with the pilot’s forum in England that promoted the earlier hoax on
this issue and that violated United States federal law (Electronics Communications Privacy
Act) will be removed. Fraud, or any association with a source that promotes it, will not be
tolerated on this board.”

Honest, civil and professional discourse remains welcome as always, subject to the above

Clifford E Carnicom
Last Edit 07/19/00