Received by email June 26 2000
Posted with Permission via the translator

Rapport Newspaper, South Africa, Cape Edition – 25/6/00

Strange, sticky, wiry threads similar to spider’s web falls in the Karoo.

By Maryna van Wyk

Are these sticky, spider web-like materials that are falling on to the Karoo areas from the air and forming a blanket like appearance across the vegetation, telephone poles and barbed wire, something falling out of space? Is this waste material falling from space? Or is this something which has its origins in the aeroplanes that fly so frequently
over the area?

Karoo farmers in the district of De Aar are really puzzled about this. Some of them believe that the Karoo is becoming the dumping ground for space debris. Some of the cattle in the area have apparently also become ill after they ate some of the cotton-like fibres which are evident on some of the feeding vegetation. These cotton-like
fibres look as if they come from the air because of the way they float down to the ground and pollute the veldt and vegetation.

“The Karoo has never looked like this before,” say some of the farmers that have farmed in the area for a number of years.

Mr. Koos du Toit from the farm Henopskraal has this past week shown to the Rapport newspaper where the fine fibres of the sticky, cotton-like substance have become stuck to the bushes and fences on his farm. Recent rain has washed away some of these fibres but he says he is confident that the debris will again start falling to the ground from the air, as has been the case for the past month.

The farmers and even one of the town inhabitants who has found fibres in his garden believe its origins are from the aeroplanes which cross the area between Cape Town and Johannesburg on a daily basis. It was mentioned that it could even be the chemicals which are used to dissolve the human excrement and toilet paper in the aeroplanes. Or
it is even speculated as being some space debris with its origins from the satellites circling the earth.

Du Toit says that these strange objects have fallen on to his farm for the second time recently. Some of these fibres are up to two metres long and he found some hanging over the telephone poles on his farm. When it is rubbed between the fingers the texture of the substance becomes fragmented and even disappears. It appears to have no smell whatsoever.

“Two of my best cows have fallen ill this past month, ever since the debris started falling on to my farm. These cows showed the symptoms of the illness by large bumps appearing on their hides, they became extremely listless and even became blind.”

These sticky, spider web-like fibres seem to be a threat to Mr.Du Toit’s Lucern lambs as his Lucerns seem to be exposed to this fallout and the chances of their becoming poisoned with this can lead to further illnesses amongst his animals and lead to monetary loss.

Mr. Petrus van Rooyen (48) is a farm worker for Mr.Du Toit who first noticed these strange sticky fibres and he maintains that he saw bundles of these fibres falling out of an aeroplane crossing above the area. After these fibres fell out of the aeroplane they spread over a wide area and landed in the veldt. Now Mr. Van Rooyen maintains that even the children have been in contact with these fibres and that these fibres make their hair sticky.

Some of these wiry fibres have also apparently fallen on the adjacent farm next to that of Mr.Du Toit.

Mr.Willie Pool also found some of these fibres in the town in his garden.

A certain Mr. Coenie Muller was in his car when some of the debris landed on his car during transit.

It is reported that a lot of these fibres have been washed away by the recent rain in the Karoo area.

Rapport found a piece of this fibre on Thursday last week and sent it to Professor Derek Litthauer who is the Head of the Department of Microbiology at the FreeState University for his information and analysis. He humoured the situation by suggesting this may be a piece of Manna falling out of the heavens.

“It looks as if these wires are synthetic but we will have to investigate and analyse before we can comment any further.”

End of article.
Posted by C.E. Carnicom
with permission via the translator
July 6 2000