A graph showing the ion count, based on a direct measurement by Clifford Carnicom over a 47 day period (April 1, 2005 to June 19, 2005) in Santa Fe, New Mexico is the object of this page. This graph shows an increasing ion count over the timeframe described. Readers may wish to visit the previous Carnicom paper titled ’IONS & HUMIDITY’ (dated May 26, 2005) for more information on this topic and the graph’s interpretations.


The fundamental frequency of the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) data now being captured appears to have shifted to 6Hz as this day and time in a capture on March 19, 2003. Multiples of 6Hz are now readily visible in the graph of the data attached to this page. This is in contrast to the pattern of 4Hz that were logged on numerous other occasions. It is noted here that the cyclotronic resonant frequency of the barium ion (+2) in the presence of the earth’s magnetic field ranges from approximately 2.25Hz to 6.85Hz. The topic of cyclotronic resonance will be discussed at a later time.
ELF AT 10,500 FEET

ELF AT 10,500 FEET

Further measurements of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves were registered in the upper regions of Aspen Peak, New Mexico, on February 8, 2001. This location was chosen to avoid the 60Hz signals that are emitted by power lines in the United States, and the tests used a human antenna in parallel with the inductor in this circuit design (see the previous Carnicom paper titled ELF & THE HUMAN ANTENNA dated January 19, 2003 for the circuit design used, as well as an explanation of using a human body as an antenna). These waves detected are primarily multiples of 4Hz as in previous measurements, from 4-56Hz, which disturbingly is the same range as that of the human brain. Serious investigators who are interested in contributing to the state of knowledge on this issue are welcome to forward results to the Carnicom Institute. Any modifications and improvements that can be made to this circuit are welcome as well.