William Thomas' "Chemtrails Over America" Speaking Tour Comes to Aspen, Colorado on August 21st As an award-winning investigative journalist with 30 years' professional experience, William Thomas was the first reporter to break the story on national media about large-scale aerial spraying of pathogens or aerosols across North America by unmarked tanker-type refueling aircraft. Thomas will present information about his latest aerosols research at the Aspen District Theater (at the Aspen Elementary School on Maroon Creek Road) on Saturday August 21st at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $15. To date, Thomas has obtained more than 500 interviews and detailed written reports from every corner of the USA describing an aerial phenomenon underway for the past several years. Two years ago, William Wallace was plowing fields on a ranch in Washington state when someone declared war on him. Without warning or provocation, a US Navy Intruder got real sick for about three weeks," Wallace relates. "My eyes watered. Fluid came out of my nose..." Headaches and extreme joint pain restricted his movements and drained his vitality. He was soon fired for being unproductive.