AUGUST 21 1999


William Thomas’ “Chemtrails Over America” Speaking Tour
Comes to Aspen, Colorado on August 21st

As an award-winning investigative journalist with 30 years’ professional
experience, William Thomas was the first reporter to break the story on
national media about large-scale aerial spraying of pathogens or aerosols
across North America by unmarked tanker-type refueling aircraft.

Thomas will present information about his latest aerosols research at the
Aspen District Theater (at the Aspen Elementary School on Maroon Creek
Road) on Saturday August 21st at
7:00 p.m. Tickets are $15.

To date, Thomas has obtained more than 500 interviews and detailed written
reports from every corner of the USA describing an aerial phenomenon
underway for the past several years.

Two years ago, William Wallace was plowing fields on a ranch in Washington
state when someone declared war on him. Without warning or provocation, a
US Navy Intruder got real sick for about three weeks,” Wallace relates. “My eyes watered.
Fluid came out of my nose…” Headaches and extreme joint pain restricted
his movements and drained his vitality. He was soon fired for being

Throughout the following summer, Wallace and his wife, Ann, watched
high-flying jets work the skies above their cabin. Day after day, pairs of
multi-engine craft crisscrossed the sky, forming “X”s and elaborate grid
patterns with emissions resembling contrails.

But unlike normal contrails, which form above 33,000 feet from swirling ice
crystals that dissipate quickly, these emissions hung in the sky for hours.
The woven rows of “aerosols” gradually thickened into a solid gray
overcast that wept long, feathery streamers toward the ground.

Wallace’s story captured the attention of Thomas who soon discovered that
Wallace’s story is far from unique. While preparing a series of news
stories for the Environment News Servicethe lower 48 States in the US, in Canada, the UK and even Australia, people
report strange “X”s, tic-tac-toe or checkerboard patterns of jet emissions
that fan out into a strange, toxic cloud cover that blight an otherwise
crystal clear day.

On numerous occasions, these emissions have dropped to the ground in the
form of a gel-like “goo” or cobweb-like material. The goo clings
tenaciously to the sides of buildings and to windshields. The cobwebs have
been reported draped over power lines and police cruisers.
Laboratory tests of chemtrail samples have revealed a horrifying cornucopia
of designer pathogens: Pseudomonas flourescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Streptomyces fungus and toxic molds, human white blood cells and
restriction.  Thomas got this “biohazard material.” Additional components of aerosol
samples included ethylene dibromide, an extremely toxic and carcinogenic
pesticide banned by the EPA.

Thomas notes that aerosol activity has accelerated over the US since
January of this year, to an almost “desperate” pitch. Numerous web sites
have sprung up across America reporting relentless spraying of major
population centers, followed by unexplained illnesses and epidemics:
flu-like symptoms that are not the flu, upper respiratory ailments, chronic
fatigue, Lupus, meningitis outbreaks and inexplicable joint pain.

The public has flooded the FAA and the US Air Force with demands for an
explanation. Typical answers are, “TheOne air traffic controller in Lansing, Michigan told a desperate caller,
“It’s just delayed Christmas traffic.”

Tickets for Thomas’ Aspen appearance are being sold at Funky Mountain
Threads in Aspen (970-925-4665), Sounds-Easy in Carbondale (970-963-1303)
and Through the Looking Glass Bookstore in Glenwood Springs (970-945-5931).
For more information about Thomas’ presentation in Aspen, call 970-920-1622
or 970-945-4690.

For additional information about aerosols check out William Thomas’ web
site at www.islandnet.com/wilco.