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Morgellons Research Project

Primary Symptom Survey Results

Clifford E Carnicom
Nov 05 2016

Note: Carnicom Institute is not offering any medical advice or diagnosis with the presentation of this information. CI is acting solely as an independent research entity that is providing the results of extended observation and analysis of unusual biological conditions that are evident.  Each individual must work with their own health professional to establish any appropriate course of action and any health related comments in this paper are solely for informational purposes.


To access the survey results in their entirety, please visit the the following page:


The following list comprises the top 20th percentile of symptoms that have been compiled in Phase I of the Carnicom Institute Morgellons Research Project survey that has recently completed.  The online survey operated on this site for approximately one year and includes the results of approximately 1000 individuals.  Both short and long version survey results were collected.  The information below is a high level summary and it represents only a small portion of the data that is available via the Institute.


(Top 20th Percentile):

1. Materials or substances emerging from skin

2. Open and/or slow healing lesions

3. Rashes or other skin conditions

4. Itchy scalp

5. Change in the quality of vision (e.g., blurry or fatigued)

6. Unusual & chronic ringing in the ears

7. Unusual dental conditions

8. FATIGUE (6 overlapping sections of survey)

9. Shortness of breath, persistent or excess mucus or sputum

10. Stiffness in joints

11. Constipation, bloating, unusual weight gain

12. Anxiety, nervousness, irritability

13. Headaches, dry eyes & mouth

14. Forget events

15. Reliance on external memory aids (calendar, notes)

16. Loss of train of thought or flow of thread of conversations

17. Difficulty diagnosing, identifying or explaining the illness

18. Skin problems

19. Associated conditions (diagnosed or examined) :

     a. Lyme Disease

     b. Chronic Fatigue

     c. Herpes