Clifford E Carnicom
Jan 21 2004


“There are significant risks of rapid and irreversible changes”

BBC Article January 20, 2004 


Opening Remarks:


This page contains a model that attempts to describe the kinetic energy that can be accumulated within a plasma state.  A plasma is an electrically conductive gas; considerable evidence now exists that our atmosphere now exists in that state as a result of the aerosol operations that have been conducted openly without consent for more than five years. The model is based upon an examination of plasma physics and the propagation of electromagnetic energy within a plasma state.


[Editors note: The Java Applet that used to appear here in the document no longer seems to work in modern browsers. Therefore, we are attaching the source code originally used, and perhaps someone can get it working again. 3/26/16]


The model presented is reasonably complex, and additional information on the development will be presented in the future.  It is offered in this preliminary state so that users can begin investigating the effect of various conditions and alterations of the atmosphere.  This model of kinetic energy of the atmosphere is dependent upon the following variables at the present time:


1. The electron density of the gas (atmosphere), which can be increased by the user with a scaling factor.  The electron density will increase from lower elevations to upper elevations.


2. The thickness and location of the atmospheric shell above the earth where the electron density exists.  This is expressed in meters in a range from 0 to 300,000 meters (~200 miles). The upper and lower limits of the shell can be varied such that the effect of the location and size of the shell can be studied.  


3. The electrical field strength of the atmosphere. The effect from the electrical field strength of the atmosphere will decrease significantly with altitude.  It will be seen that the LOWER atmosphere plays an important role in the accumulation of energy, due to the increased electrical field strength of the atmosphere at lower elevations.  The importance of this fact should be considered carefully with any assessments of the intent or motive of the aerosol operations.


4. The plasma frequency, or the “resonant” frequency of the electrically conductive gas, plasma, or atmosphere in this case.


5. An introduced Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) modulating wave into the plasma.  The following statement can be considered carefully in the exploration of this model:

“A high-frequency wave whose amplitude is slowly modulated is a simple type of wave that builds up gradually in time and thus serves well in calculating electric energy density”.1


6. A reference point of equivalency of kinetic energy; in this case the kinetic energy change that results from a one second per year decrease in the rotational rate of the earth.  Other reference points of energy, such as that contained in fossil fuels may be presented in the future.


7. An efficiency factor of conversion of kinetic energy to that of another form, such as the energy changes associated with any rotational rate changes of the earth.  As one example of conversion efficiency, the HAARP (High Altitude Active Auroral Research Program) facility mentions a conversion rate efficiency of 1 in 100 million to produce ELF radiation.


8. The existence of abundant photons in the upper atmosphere.


9. The existence of metallic aerosols of low work function in the atmosphere.


10. The conversion of photons to electrons via the photoelectric effect. 


It may be insightful for the user to consider the following questions when exploring the effects of changes in the model:


1. What has the most influence in the accumulation of kinetic energy in the plasma (i.e., modified atmosphere) – electron density as changed with the scaling factor, electron density as a function of altitude, the ELF modulation frequency, the location of the atmospheric shell or the thickness of the atmospheric shell, the photon density, the photoelectric effect and the conversion of photons to electrons, or the work function of various metallic aerosols?  Are all of the above important factors in the accumulation of kinetic energy within the atmosphere?


2. Is the accumulation of kinetic energy within the plasma greater at altitude or closer to the earth’s surface? If so, why?


3. Where is the effect of the electrical field strength of the earth the greatest – at lower elevations or higher elevations?  What is the effect of this upon the kinetic energy that can be accumulated within the plasma?


4. Where is the electron density the greatest – at lower elevations or higher elevations?  What is the effect of this upon the kinetic energy that can be accumulated within the plasma?


5. Which has a greater effect and at what altitude is the effect the greatest – the accumulation of energy through modulated ELF in conjunction with the plasma frequency and the electric field, or the conversion of photos to electrons in combination with metallic aerosols of low work function?


6.  What effect would an increased energy state of an atmosphere have?  What could the energy be used for?  Would an increase in kinetic energy of a surrounding plasma shell influence the kinetic energy state of the earth itself?  If there is an effect upon the earth, what type of conversion efficiency is expected?


7. What is the source of any ELF energy that might be introduced into the plasma?  How large of a region does ELF effect?  Does ELF have any effect upon biology as well?


8. Is the sun an additional source of energy into a plasma?  If so, can this energy source also be incorporated into the model?


9. What is the source of electrons within a plasma?  What are the sources of ionization within a plasma? What is the work function of a metal?  Can some metals be ionized with the energy of ultraviolet light?  If so, what metals?  What about the influence of high energy solar radiation, such as gamma rays?  What is the effect of solar storms upon a plasma?


10. Are there any similarities in the concepts embodied within this model and of HAARP ?  If so, what are the shared principles?


11. What methods could be used to increase the electron density of a plasma, i.e., the atmosphere?


12. What are some other examples of reference energy levels that can be used for comparison, beyond that of changes in the earth rotational rate?  What are levels of energy involved with geophysical processes, such as volcanoes?  How much energy is contained within solar storms and sunlight itself?  What about the energy of fossil fuels?  Is it conceivable that the kinetic energy state of the earth could be modified?  If so, what would it take to accomplish it?   How much energy can be accumulated within a plasma?  What are the primary factors that affect this energy density?


13. Is there any evidence that the energy of the earth has changed more recently?  What is the relationship between the magnetic field of the earth and the rotational rate change of the earth?  Is the magnetic field of the earth increasing or decreasing, and if so, by how much?  Is this change a constant?  The same questions are to be asked for the rate of rotational rate changes of the earth. Are there any anomalies in the data that is available to the public?  Is the magnetic and rotational rate data consistent with each other?  How is the Schumann frequency affected by electron density?  Has the Schumann frequency been increasing or decreasing in the recent past?  Is the Schumann frequency affected by solar radiation, and if so, how?


14. Does the consideration of the kinetic energy state change of the atmosphere obviate or strengthen the consideration of environmental, biological, military or electromagnetic applications of an altered atmosphere?  Are there relationships between each of these considerations, especially as they pertain to the management and control of energy?


15. What are the effects of aerosols upon the heating of the atmosphere?  What is specific heat and how can it be used to interpret the effects of sunlight upon particulates?  Does it matter where the aerosols are located in their effect upon the heating of the earth?  What is the effect of the location of the plasma shell upon the heat balance of the earth?  How does this compare to the location of the most prominent electromagnetic effects?  Are thermal energies, electromagnetic energies and kinetic energies of equal concern in the evaluation of the motives behind the aerosol operations?  Could one form of these energies be of greater concern or interest in terms of motive than another?


This model and page and supplementary documents that support the development of the model will be revised and modified as is appropriate.  Future considerations will attempt to include solar thermal effects upon the earth within the model.  . It is anticipated that revisions will occur to this presentation and model in the future.  The mathematics of the model will be presented on a separate page at a later date.  Please allow fair time and patience to evaluate the effects of variables in the model; some fairly complicated dynamics are contained within it.  Please feel free to discuss and mention any significant deficiencies that may be observed to exist within the modeling process.  This model exists as an ongoing project to assist in the interpretation of one important potential aspect of the aerosol operations.


1. Charles Herach Papas, Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, (Dover Publications, 1988), 180.