AEROSOLS & MORGELLONS: A Systems Perspective

AEROSOLS & MORGELLONS: A Systems Perspective

This page shows a systems perspective flow chart with the tie-ins of the aerosol programs and the Morgellon's symptoms and pathogens. Included in the chart's flows are headers such as Airborne Environmental Factors (Particulate, Filament and Biological Forms), Biological Findings (Morgellon's Condition - Blood, Skin, Hair and Dental), Culture Work and Aerosol Operations (Military, Environmental, Electromagnetic, etc.), and how they are related to each other in an easy to follow format.


A time lapse video under the microscope has been developed and presented on this page which demonstrates the cultured growth pattern and behavior of a primary pathogenic form that is in direct association with the so-called "Morgellons" condition. The time lapse video covers a period of approximately six hours and compresses the time into approximately one minute with 30 frames. From the discovery shown here, it would appear that the encasing filament serves to provide feeder or extension filaments which serve to extend the growth of the pathogen. The estimated growth rate of the extension filaments on this particular culture is on the order of 50 microns per hour, or roughly the width of a thin human hair per hour. This report continues to add valuable knowledge on the morphology, characteristics and behavior of at least some of the pathogenic forms that are strongly associated with the so-called "Morgellons" condition.


A pathogenic form that appears to be directly associated with the so-called "Morgellon's condition” has now been successfully, repeatedly and positively cultured from numerous independent dental filament samples over a protracted period of time. Confirmation of this result had been postponed until it became clear that the findings could be duplicated; this is now the case. High magnification microscopic images are provided to the reader for further understanding of what is being presented and the implications of this work. This work is important in that it provides a basis for the controlled study, observation, examination and modification of a primary pathogenic form that appears to underlie the existence of the so-called "Morgellon's" condition. It is reiterated that the general population appears to be subject to the existence of the pathogen, regardless of whether certain skin "anomalies" are present or not. As it is unlikely that Carnicom will have the time or resources to conduct the studies that are called for going forward in this research, it needs to be known that proper resources are a serious issue at this point. The public must now share in the responsibility for the progress (or the lack of it) that is dictated by this report.


Work has been conducted over the past one to two months that appears to be important and it may have significant impact on current research into pathogens being found in samples discussed in the most recent Carnicom papers.  It appears as though a primary pathogenic form under evaluation that is associated with the so-called "Morgellon’s" condition may have been successfully cultured.  If this proves to be the case, it offers the potential to begin very serious research on the methods to control, inhibit, reduce or eliminate the pathogenic forms within the human body. Unknown pathogens are difficult to identify, treat and remove if they exist only within the body; there is tremendous benefit if such pathogens can be grown or developed in a culture medium under controlled conditions.  This report may offer a pathway to that process. Further research at this time continues to show identical pathogens in samples that are viewed under an enhanced microscope setup, that without such enhancement, these images and what they reveal would not be possible. This would not have allowed the progress in this area of study by Carnicom that will possibly have tremendous positive implications for all of humanity.
Instructions for Boosting Your Microscope’s Power to Examine Your Own Samples

Instructions for Boosting Your Microscope’s Power to Examine Your Own Samples

Presented in this work are instructions for building an affordable yet fairly powerful microscope imager using a microscope and a typical webcam used with computers. This setup will allow anyone to get acceptable images of samples that have been discussed in the most recent Carnicom papers regarding the pathogens being found in people blood, gums, etc. A concerned citizen wrote to Carnicom in this paper, and describes using a Logitech Quick Cam, an empty film canister, and tape to enhance the magnification of a standard microscope by the use of a webcam's CCD sensor. It is noted that there is ample concern to have as many people reproduce Carnicom's results by the use of such a setup as is described here.


Two sets of photographs from separate photographers in North Carolina have been sent in to Clifford Carnicom and have been posted on his website. The photos in both cases show unusual ring-shaped or disc-like objects. The photos in one case are quite clear and remarkable. The fact that the second set was even captured is also fortunate. A statement from the photographer in each case will follow the images that have been submitted. These photographs raise several questions about at least some aspects of the aerosol operations and they appear to defy any conventional perception of aircraft. The accompanying "emission trail" with the ring like structure of the first set is especially curious.


This paper discusses a method that has been established to remove at least a portion of the pathogenic forms that have been reported extensively by Clifford Carnicom in his recent papers. The method involves the use of red wine or a red wine-hydrogen peroxide mixture as an extended rinse for the mouth. It is clearly stressed in this work that the pathogenic forms under investigation are repeatedly showing up in the general population, regardless of whether certain "skin anomalies" (typically falsely considered the Morgellon's condition) are present or not. The pathogenic forms were, however, first discovered as a result of examination of these same skin anomalies. The segregation of only certain individuals as having the "Morgellon’s" condition is completely and totally false; the general population is involved whether they would like to know of it or not. The pathogens found have now been discovered repeatedly across all major body systems and functions, including skin, blood, hair, saliva, dental(gum), digestive, ear and urinary samples. To date, no human being is excluded from the findings of recent research through this site; hopefully exceptions to this case will soon be found.


There is increasing evidence that the general population may be affected by at least four pathogenic forms, and that many have been seriously compromised by at least four pathogenic forms under examination. These recurring pathogen forms are: 1) An encasing or encapsulating filament, often barely visible to the human eye, measuring on the order of 12 to 20 microns in thickness. This bounding filament form usually contains within it a network of sub-micron fibers that are generally in parallel alignment with one another; 2) A network of sub-micron filament forms that are usually encased within the bounding filament referred to above. This form has some morphological similarity to fungal forms, but no suitable match to any known species exists at this time; 3) A sub-micron spherical to oblate structure whose best size estimate is currently on the order of 0.5 - 0.7 microns (asbestos fibers are on the order of around 2 microns). These structures can and often do occur in large numbers within the biological samples; and 4) What is being called, for the time being, a "hybrid" form. This form has properties that are somewhat in between the sub-micron Chlamydia-like form and the sub-micron filament form. The remainder of this paper will present evidence that visible skin anomalies are not a suitable criteria to establish the existence of the so-called "Morgellon’s condition" and that certain pathogenic forms may be repeating internally within a broad cross-section of the general population.
MORGELLONS: 5th, 6th & 7th MATCH

MORGELLONS: 5th, 6th & 7th MATCH

At this point, there are three more samples added to the research of Morgellon's that are showing the same basic apparent pathogenic forms as those previously observed. Added to this list of samples researched are: 1) the 5th match of this observation match set showing that an individual not outwardly manifesting Morgellon's symptoms can demonstrate the internal Morgellon's symptoms of blood disturbance and Chlamydia-like form - this individual, in images of a gum-dental infectious sample shows a 'hybrid' form not seen before...that is, both oblate and fibrous forms appear in the same sample; 2) the 6th sample shows a unique characteristic not seen yet - that is, that the filament, as opposed to encasing a sub-micron fibrous network, instead encases the Chlamydia-like organisms, demonstrating that a real possibility is taking place where there is morphing between all three reported forms in individuals. This subject's samples support the possibility that an individual not outwardly manifesting Morgellon's symptoms can demonstrate the Morgellon's symptoms of anomalous fibrous form; and 3) the 7th sampled individual's saliva sample has a highly abnormal mucous that this individual notices reacts to ultraviolet radiation. This sample shows that detected Chlamydia-like structures, filamentous and hybrid forms are being detected across major systems of the human body, including circulatory, digestive and skin.


Research on blood samples from numerous individuals continues in this paper, and there are three main points up to this time in the study of anomalies found in the blood of these people: 1) The preliminary assessment on the nature of the two primary structural forms within the blood appears that Chlamydiae or Chlamydiae-like organisms could be the leading candidate for investigation in the Morgellon's pursuit as well as in the investigation of the aerosol operations. Readers may wish to review the Carnicom paper titled ’MORGELLONS: AGENTS OF INFECTION’ (dated January 1, 2008); 2) The vast majority of blood samples observed are showing various degrees of anomalous form, and the degree of this damage appears to correspond directly to the number of anomalous structures that are found in any individual sample; and 3) The anomalies in the blood samples have transcended age....they have now been observed in the same form within the blood of a nine year old child. Microscopic images of this young child are provided in this work in support of the above claims and observations. It can be noted in the images presented that cellular integrity damage is apparent in these photographs and sub-micron structures are often visible, and the degree of cellular damage appears to correspond directly to the number of chlamydia-like structures within the blood cells.


An individual with Morgellon’s symptoms has recently expelled a massive volume of fibrous material from the gums of the mouth. The fibers, upon very high magnification, reveal themselves to be identical in size, structure and form to the skin fibers that are documented in detail in earlier papers mentioned below. This now brings to four the number of samples from entirely different mediums and environments that are showing similar to identical morphology. High magnification microscope images are included in this work showing identical sub-micron filaments within a major filament structures and spherical entities within the filaments seen in previous works mentioned above.