This page discusses the role of aerosols, ionization, electromagnetic radiation and the creation of an artificial ‘plasma’ state in a now artificially modified atmosphere as they relate to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP). It has been understood by Carnicom that the magnetic field of the earth is a primary medium by which we, as ‘subjects’, are being affected. The artificial patterns of ELF energy, characterized by unusual pulsations of frequency, cannot be most logically assumed to originate from the HAARP facility. Such energy forms have a myriad of applications in the military arena. Unfortunately, a parallel set of effects upon biological systems, health, and mental functioning must also be accepted as a price to be paid.
Large amounts of energy are being directed into the magnetic field of the earth by the HAARP facility. This energy is being directed along the earth’s magnetic field lines to all living things. We have no way to evade this negative energy. This ELF radiation, although innocuously claimed to serve communications purposes and the like, does have an effect on biological systems. This energy can be detected and observed and its artificial nature identified. All findings are consistent with over four years of research on the aerosol operations, with applications of environmental, biological, electromagnetic, military and planetary control.