This is a model to estimate climate change from applying changes in greenhouse gas concentrations relative to the current rates of increase. It also provides for introducing various aerosols and into the atmosphere. It also includes the simulation of random events upon climate change.
DNA Isolated

DNA Isolated

DNA has been successfully isolated from cultures that have been developed. The samples are based upon the cross-domain bacteria isolation methods referred to previously. The tests have been repeated on numerous occasions with identical positive results. The methods use classical methods of DNA extraction. These methods involve the mechanical or chemical decomposition of the original biological material and the use of salt, ice, detergents, enzymes and ethanol.
The New Biology

The New Biology

It is generally perceived that the so-­called "Morgellons" issue is primarily, if not exclusively, a human actually represents a fundamental change in the state condition. It is not. It will be found that this condition evidence now indicates and demonstrates that there and nature of biology as it is known on this earth. The is, at the heart of the "condition", a new growth form that transcends, as a minimum, the plant and animal boundaries.