MAR 26 2001 HEPA:
Clifford E Carnicom
Mar 26 2001

A third HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter sample has now been analzyed under the microscope. This filter was exposed to the outside atmosphere for a duration of 10 days at approximately 10 feet above ground level in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This filter was placed into service on Mar 16 2001 and has been taken out of service on Mar 26 2001.

There is a noticeable lack of biological cells that satisfy the visual characteristics of red blood cells, or erythrocytes, within this sample. The results of this analysis are in distinct contrast to the studies of Feb 25 and Mar 16 2001 that have been presented earlier. The results of this sample analysis are identical with a result obtained by the method of electrostatic precipitation on Mar 21 2001. Incidentally, the presence of juniper pollen, distinctive in appearance and measuring approximately 25-30 microns in diameter (vs. bi-concave approx. 5 microns), is frequent and is now easily observed.

There remains abundant particulate and potential organic matter which requires further identification in all samples that have been acquired. The current investigation is focused simply on the unexpected and repeated identification of bi-concave circular cells of approximately 5 microns in diameter, that satisfy all visual characteristics of erythrocytes, or red blood cells. All calls for professional assistance to conduct further exact identification and the repetition of methods and testing measures have thus far gone unheeded.

Within the current sample of Mar 26 2001, the matrix, base or encapsulating material that was repeatedly identified in the analyses of Feb 25 2001 and Mar 16 2001 may remain present. Further examinations will be required to resolve this question. There does appear to be the continued presence of organic material with a sub-structure at the micron level or smaller, which is beyond the limit of the available equipment to examine adequately. This material under examination, the boundaries of which are irregular and variable in size, is also very receptive to an iodine stain.

These results demonstrate the need for continuous monitoring of the atmosphere at the microscopic level to ascertain the presence of (or subsequent lack of) certain biological cell components as have recently been identified throughout a 4 week period from two high elevation locations separated by approximately 250 miles distance. HEPA filters and equipment are widely available at reasonable cost to all citizens to extend the current testing procedures.

The examination of additional HEPA filters on a continuous basis from numerous monitoring locations across the country will be beneficial. Those without any alternative resources for examination are welcome to contact me directly for assistance. The need for professional independent medical, biological and chemical analysis of any HEPA atmospheric filter samples obtained remains constant.

Clifford E Carnicom
Mar 26 2001