Synthetic Biology & The Cross Domain Bacteria : An Organic Summary

Clifford E Carnicom
Jan 16 2024

This list is a statement of the most probable organic functional groups composing the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) and the metabolic products from it.  Functional groups are the “building blocks” of organic chemistry and they provide a fundamental framework in which to understand the nature of the CDB, a synthetic, engineered, xenobiotic life form under study by Carnicom Institute (CI) for several decades.  They are, in turn, the basis for establishing the reactivity which causes harm within the body.  Functional groups exist at the molecular level of matter, and they therefore precede any further development or study, including nanotechnology. The work is based primarily upon extensive culture analysis.

The CDB have been shown to be directly responsible for egregious harm to human health and the alteration of human biology.  This includes the subjects of synthetic biology, blood clotting, xenobiotic proteins, synthetic blood, electromagnetic blood transformation, bioplastic human alteration, and the so called “Morgellons” condition.  There are many other topics to be included.  Approximately 450 research papers exist at CI to testify to the conclusions above.

It is the assessment of CI that knowledge of and replication of this chemistry is fundamental to any subsequent understanding of synthetic biology that is known to be affecting and threatening human welfare.  This includes any mitigation or termination strategies that may or will be forthcoming.  Each of these functional groups represents a window of understanding to the current impact of this particular synthetic biology upon humans. This includes the nature of every functional group listed, along with the reactivity that corresponds to each of them.  Polymeric  biological chemistry, including synthetic polymerization, is central to the character of this list.

The organic functional group (or compound, structure, etc.) list follows (subject to revision):

Aromatic amine
Aromatic CH
Alcohol (cyclic alcohol, emphasis upon amino methyl propanol or related – MID IR analysis)
Ester (emphasis upon sorbitan monolaurate or related – MID IR analysis)
Alkyl alcohol
Nucleic Acids – DNA
Bacteriophage prospect


Note: A preliminary inorganic analysis (e.g., metals) may be found here.

Clifford E Carnicom
Jan 08 2024

born Clifford Bruce Stewart, Jan 19 1953.