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Instructions for Boosting Your Microscope’s Power to Examine Your Own Samples
Presented in this work are instructions for building an affordable yet fairly powerful microscope imager using a microscope and a typical webcam used with computers. This setup will allow anyone to get acceptable images of samples that have been discussed in the most recent Carnicom papers regarding the pathogens being found in people blood, gums, etc. A concerned citizen wrote to Carnicom in this paper, and describes using a Logitech Quick Cam, an empty film canister, and tape to enhance the magnification of a standard microscope by the use of a webcam’s CCD sensor. It is noted that there is ample concern to have as many people reproduce Carnicom’s results by the use of such a setup as is described here.
This page contains an excerpt from the Nuremberg Code, reprinted from Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. This specifically states that a person exposed to human experimentation should be made aware of such experiments and possible ramifications, and should have the right to refuse being a guinea pig for such experiments.
This paper discusses the finding that there is essentially identical form, size and structure between the airborne filament samples that have been reported on extensively over the years in connection with the aerosol operations, the morphology of at least one characteristic Morgellon’s fiber and with a series of blood anomalies that have recently been documented. The three main topics and their critical points outlined with supporting graphic images in this critical paper include: 1) Morgellon’s fibers and skin samples – At least one characteristic fiber form from the Morgellon’s condition contains within it a rather remarkable and extensive sub-micron fibrous network. 2) Blood samples – There appears to a remarkable coincidence of form and similarity between the internal structure of the Morgellon’s skin fiber and the anomalous form in the blood of the same individual. 3) Airborne fiber – The latest microphotographs, at much higher magnification than was originally available in previous Carnicom papers, of the airborne fibrous sample that was sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for identification. This now clearly implicates and questions the role and relationship of the airborne filaments to Morgellon’s and the blood conditions that are currently under research.
Replication of Electrical Transformation of Blood – Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD in Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom
Replication of Electrical Transformation of Unvaccinated Blood Filament Growth Documented – CDB Extraction and Isolation Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD in… Read more
Morgellons : A Working Hypothesis (Introduction)
This paper seeks to identify a host of organic compounds that are likely to comprise the core physical structure of biologically produced filaments characteristic of the Morgellons condition. A biological oral filament sample will be analyzed for the presence of candidate organic functional groups using the methods of infrared spectrophotometry. Potential health impacts from these same core structures are examined and compared to the observed , reported and documented symptoms (in part) of this same condition. Potential mitigating strategies, from a research perspective only, are discussed. A body of evidence, accumulated over a period of several years, reveals that the Morgellons condition is likely characterized by a host of serious physiological and metabolic imbalances. These imbalances are caused by the disruption of a variety of major body processes including, as a minimum, the regulation of metabolism by the thyroid, potential liver enlargement, a decrease of oxygen in the circulatory system, the utilization of amino acids important to the body, the oxidation of iron and a potential impact to neural pathways. The impact of this degradation to human health can be concluded to be serious, debilitating and potentially lethal in the cumulative sense; the reports of those who suffer from the condition are in alignment with these conclusions. This paper will summarize the body of work and chronology which leads to this more comprehensive hypothesis.
Further exploring the need for increased testing of rainwater for pH is the subject of this paper. Eight conditions for identifying components of aerosol particulates are presented as hypotheses that if proven true will help identify these particulates being salts and trace metals such as barium and strontium.
Work has been conducted over the past one to two months that appears to be important and it may have significant impact on current research into pathogens being found in samples discussed in the most recent Carnicom papers. It appears as though a primary pathogenic form under evaluation that is associated with the so-called “Morgellon’s” condition may have been successfully cultured. If this proves to be the case, it offers the potential to begin very serious research on the methods to control, inhibit, reduce or eliminate the pathogenic forms within the human body. Unknown pathogens are difficult to identify, treat and remove if they exist only within the body; there is tremendous benefit if such pathogens can be grown or developed in a culture medium under controlled conditions. This report may offer a pathway to that process. Further research at this time continues to show identical pathogens in samples that are viewed under an enhanced microscope setup, that without such enhancement, these images and what they reveal would not be possible. This would not have allowed the progress in this area of study by Carnicom that will possibly have tremendous positive implications for all of humanity.
A concerned citizen has written to Clifford Carnicom about an experience he had witnessing fibers falling from the sky on November 13. 2005. This person watched as the fibrous material that fell on the ground dissipated, but he was able to collect some of the fibers and put them in a jar. His wife developed a skin rash when she touched some of the fibers and had to be treated by a doctor who couldn’t determine the cause of the rash.
Upon observing them the next day, some two-thirds of the material had disappeared from the jar. This person decided to do some of his own analysis with a microscope, and when he opened the jar, the concentrate from the breakdown of the fibers blew into his face, causing bad burning in his eyes and throat. Once recovered, he was able to take pictures of the material under a microscope, and those pictures are included in this paper.
Clifford Carnicom begins this paper with his thoughts on the results of this citizen’s work, stating “This report demonstrates that there are very likely significant health consequences that accompany these atmospheric operations. The report also demonstrates that the United States Environmental Protection Agency has completely failed in its mission to serve the public and to protect the health and welfare of our environment.”
Two sets of photographs from separate photographers in North Carolina have been sent in to Clifford Carnicom and have been posted on his website. The photos in both cases show unusual ring-shaped or disc-like objects. The photos in one case are quite clear and remarkable. The fact that the second set was even captured is also fortunate. A statement from the photographer in each case will follow the images that have been submitted. These photographs raise several questions about at least some aspects of the aerosol operations and they appear to defy any conventional perception of aircraft. The accompanying “emission trail” with the ring like structure of the first set is especially curious.
Research on blood samples from numerous individuals continues in this paper, and there are three main points up to this time in the study of anomalies found in the blood of these people: 1) The preliminary assessment on the nature of the two primary structural forms within the blood appears that Chlamydiae or Chlamydiae-like organisms could be the leading candidate for investigation in the Morgellon’s pursuit as well as in the investigation of the aerosol operations. Readers may wish to review the Carnicom paper titled ’MORGELLONS: AGENTS OF INFECTION’ (dated January 1, 2008); 2) The vast majority of blood samples observed are showing various degrees of anomalous form, and the degree of this damage appears to correspond directly to the number of anomalous structures that are found in any individual sample; and 3) The anomalies in the blood samples have transcended age….they have now been observed in the same form within the blood of a nine year old child.
Microscopic images of this young child are provided in this work in support of the above claims and observations. It can be noted in the images presented that cellular integrity damage is apparent in these photographs and sub-micron structures are often visible, and the degree of cellular damage appears to correspond directly to the number of chlamydia-like structures within the blood cells.
Visitation activity by NIPR.mil (NIPR = Department of Defense Network Operations (NIPRnet)) has increased dramatically over the last few days to www.carnicom.com. Responses to an elicitation by Clifford Carnicom on the message board for additional information about NIPR are included in this paper. One such reply offers the belief that the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) created NIPR so that NIPR is essentially a VERY secure, single point of contact for all Department of Defense (DoD) connections to the internet.
Crystalline structures that were found aligned on a driveway in Carpinteria, California on June 17, 2003 are examined in this work. A concerned citizen contacted Clifford Carnicom, who recommended the samples be sent to Carnicom for analysis. These structures are rectangular/cubicle, opaque, translucent, and insoluble in water, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide and acetone. Pictures of the as now unidentified material are included for analysis.
Discussed in this paper are items such as: the role that iron appears to play in the growth of the underlying Morgellons organism, minimum conditions that allow the growth of this organism, identification of different growth forms related to these organisms, the unique spectral signature of this underlying organism indications of increased acidity in correlation with the Morgellons condition, and strategies to be considered in the mitigation of the growth of this organism. This paper continues to speak to the findings presented even further, with thought provoking ideas brought up, such as being able to use the spectral analysis of blood to determine the existence of the organism in living things, whether there is the possibility of getting the body to absorb more iron in order to ‘starve’ the organism of what iron is in the body (versus maybe lowering the amount of iron in the body to ‘starve’ the organism…a likely worse idea), and ways to reduce the growth of the organism with alkalization and nutrients.
Morgellons – 2nd Session – with Dr. Gwen Scott
ARCHIVE WEBCASTS: “Morgellons” – 2nd Session by Clifford E Carnicom & Gwen Scott N.D. Recorded April 11, 2008 Download Version… Read more
Carnicom outlines criteria and conditions to be satisfied in drawing conclusions about the specific purposes or agendas of aircraft aerosol operations currently in progress in the United States and globally, and cautions against drawing premature conclusions of such programs. A list of 19 items to be considered when drawing conclusions is presented in this paper.
Further testing of air samples from Santa Fe, New Mexico provides positive visual identification of the presence of erythrocytes (red blood cells). The magnification in this analysis (approximately 5000x) makes the case that biological components are now a regular feature of the atmosphere that we all breathe. These red blood cells, along with the particulate matter in the air, make the case for realizing these aerosol programs are crimes of the highest order being perpetrated on innocent citizens.
The Defense Information Services Agency (DISA) and the Department of Defense Network Operations (NIPR) have recently demonstrated a heightened interest in the research materials available on the carnicom.com website. This increased interest appears to correlate with recent presentations on the topic of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation. The DISA Mission Statement is included on this page, and more information about NIPR can be found in previous Carnicom papers titled NIPR ACTIVITY INCREASES (dated February 28, 2001) and NIPR.MIL 10 ½ HOUR VISIT (dated April 1, 2001).
Barium and barium compounds are the only elements that satisfy a list of conditions, observations, and analyses that are included in this paper in the investigation of the aerosol operations. Barium Titanate is under review due to the following property: “…crystals of barium titanate, a material that can capture the pulses of certain electromagnetic frequencies in the way that a radio can pick up certain radio frequencies. When the crystal pulses, or resonates, it produces electric power.” Source – A New Physics for a New Energy Source by Jeanne Manning