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The presence of ambient Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves has again been verified on January 18, 2003 in Santa Fe New Mexico. The frequencies recorded by Clifford Carnicom show the same 4Hz multiples as his earlier readings, and these frequencies are likely of artificial design and with an undeclared purpose. A newer circuit used allows more sensitive measurements; sensitive enough to detect and register the electromagnetic presence of a person from several feet away. An additional topic of research is presented here as a possible correlation to the presence of these observed frequencies…that of the US military’s HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) high frequency pulses into the ionosphere that produce ELF frequencies. ELFs are used for earth penetration and subsurface communications, and though there is insufficient correlation between what is being measured in New Mexico and the HAARP waves, it is coincidental enough to be discussed in this paper. A most unexpected and unusual result of the current work is the role that the human being can assume in the detection of these frequencies. It has been found that the human organism, acting in conjunction with the primary large inductance coil (antenna) of the circuit, provides sufficient amplification to the signal to allow reliable detection and logging of the data. That is to say, if a human runs a wire in parallel from the skin to the inductor lead, the geometric form of these frequencies is easily detected.
Recent analysis leads to the conclusion that the extensive and systematic aerosol operations being conducted across the planet are aggravating the elevated drought conditions now being observed. This two part discussion centers upon heat aspects of the atmosphere. This first section introduces the concept of ‘specific heat’ of a substance (the amount of heat required to flow into a substance to produce a one degree rise in temperature), and how that helps address the specific question: Given that the air of the earth has a specific heat value, what would be the projected heat effect of introducing metallic particulate aerosols (namely aluminum, barium, magnesium, titanium and calcium) into the atmosphere?’
The second part of this discussion expands the above dialogue to show, in mathematical form, that with the exception of magnesium, each of the elements listed above has a specific heat less than that of air. This allows us to conclude that the introduction of each of these elements with a specific heat less than that of air would have the effect of increasing the temperature of the modified air for a given amount of heat. These results convey significant consequences on the health of the planet and the atmosphere.
It is reiterated that the citizens of this nation and earth have the duty to force full accountability, disclosure and cessation of the aircraft aerosol operations which remain in progress.
Video documentation reaffirms the presence of abundant particulate matter in the atmosphere in Santa Fe, New Mexico on January 4, 2001. Six separate sessions of video have been conducted for this purpose, and each shows abundant, and by all appearances ionized, particulate matter. The previous Carnicom paper ‘PARTICULATE PHOTOGRAPHS – January 2001’ is related to these same observations.
A lengthy letter from the EPA, sent to a concerned citizen and copied on this page, is a complete denial of the possibility of aerosols and aerosol operations. The letter speaks a common theme of denial that the spray lines, witnessed by an increasing number of people and spreading out across the sky, are simply normal contrail exhaust from aircraft engines.
This paper is an actual letter that was sent from California State Senator Hack O’Connell in response to a letter sent to him regarding the concern of aerosol spraying programs. His initial response seems to be that of concern, but he eventually directs the sender to NASA’s website and makes it clear that his belief is that these aerosol trails are indeed normal ‘contrails’.
A continuing discussion of the characteristics of filament samples discovered by Clifford Carnicom and others is presented here. It is reiterated that an environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called “Morgellons” condition, has been identified. This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare. This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition.
The different cultured structures discussed above are described and pictured within this work as well. They are:
1) An encasing filament structure (containing an internal network of sub-micron filaments)
2) A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia)
3) A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like)
4) An erythrocytic form (red blood cell).
The question of whether of not visible light is sufficient to ionize the presumed metallic particulate material recently evidenced by photographs and video of January 3, 2001 is now answerable based on definitions and calculations discussed in this Carnicom paper. The ‘work force’ of metal is explained, which is crucial to the determination of the level of energy required for photo-ionization to take place. The results of the study done in this paper indicates that the energy available within visible light is sufficient to produce photo-ionization of barium particulate matter, and that midrange ultraviolet light is sufficient to produce photo-ionization of particulates of magnesium.
The Magnitude of Morgellons
The Magnitude of Morgellons by Clifford E Carnicom Dec 06 2016 Note: Carnicom Institute is not offering any medical advice… Read more
CI Morgellons Research Project – Symptom Survey Results
A new, or modified, form of cultured growth has been developed from human oral filament samples that are characteristic of the so-called “Morgellons” condition. One of the more important findings of this current research is that the application of certain frequencies, or their harmonics, may play a highly significant role in the various manifestations (rate of growth, etc.) that the underlying “organism” may assume. The discovery reported here adds a new layer of complexity to the research that has been discussed on this site. The circumstances of growth are identical to that of previous work, i.e., the introduction of human oral filament samples within a red wine base; what differs is the illumination of the petri culture dishes with light of a specific frequency chosen from earlier absorption analysis. It will be noticed that a strong and sharp absorption peak at approximately 375 nanometers (nm) has been identified in the previous Carnicom report titled ‘ THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ALL TIME’ (dated March 1, 2011); this corresponds to the blue portion of the visible light spectrum. The phases of this explosive growth from this sample being subjected to this light frequency is imaged and presented on this page.
This work details a study performed on five subjects’ blood samples as a comparison to each other. Only one had outward symptoms of the Morgellon’s condition – skin sores, lethargy, etc. Though each of the other four subjects didn’t exhibit these traits, they still had anomalies in their blood, which images provided in this paper show. The use of a laser is again employed in these samples to give better detail to these abnormal changes in the subjects’ blood samples. Some questions raised at this point of the Morgellon’s research include the following: What exactly is the anomalous form that is being observed? Is there any relationship between the sub-micron granular nature of the blood anomalies with the apparent similar granular nature of the Morgellon’s fiber as it has been previously observed and reported? Is there any relationship between this apparent sub-micron fibrous blood anomaly and the sub-micron fibrous nature of the Morgellon’s condition? Is there any relationship to the airborne fibrous samples that have been refused by the Environmental Protection Agency for identification?
The following quote from Donald Rumsfeld is included on this page with respect to the draft during Viet Nam:
“And what was left was sucked into the intake, trained for a period of months, and then went out, adding no value, no advantage, really, to the United States armed Services over any sustained period of time”.
This page is a documentary as to the number of mailings that have been sent to politicians, television stations, the California Attorney General, the EPA and others by one Rick Moors. Mr. Moors also chronicles how many replies he has received, and each of Mr. Moor’s letters sent and received are included in this page. Each of the replies contains the standard ‘these trails are normal’ verbiage.
Rainwater sample analysis is showing extraordinary levels of metallic particulates in these samples. A sample is presented here from rainwater collected on July 26, 2001 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Distillation of the rainwater sample has been used so as to make the metallic particulates visible to the naked eye in test tubes. The pH of these rainwater samples has recently been measured at 7.6 or higher, demonstrating a level of alkalinity much higher than that expected in rainwater.
Acids to the Demise
Acids to the Demise Clifford E Carnicom Apr 07 2024 An additional fundamental aspect of the Cross Domain Bacteria… Read more