An anonymous researcher wrote to Carnicom and recommended that he visit and read papers on the International Society for Optical Engineering website www.spie.com. The anonymous researcher stated “Please take time to look into SEARAD, MODTRAN, and ABLEX. I believe if you research these, you will find compelling info for chemtrails…Much mention of clouds in coordination with their new Air Borne Laser System…That’s all I can say as I am sure I too am watched for my activity in trying to get to the truth”. Initial research within this site demonstrates significant resources and efforts devoted toward aerosol modeling techniques, including detection of particulates and biological components.

An intriguing set of questions, from a poster to the Carnicom message board, related to aerosol programs as well as other health, weather and similar topics, is included in this paper.

William Thomas’ response to a USA Today article that was run March 7, 2001 is the subject of this Carnicom work. The USA Today article ridicules the notion that contrails are actually aerosol spraying programs, as espoused by Clifford Carnicom and others.

Clifford Carnicom refutes accusations that he misinformed about the nature of contrails, as well as the accusation that Carnicom is spreading propaganda in order to make money off videos etc. that are sold to a scared public.

Clifford Carnicom’s phone line at this time exhibited anomalies that indicated the phone line was tapped. These indications included abrupt and erratic phone service to Carnicom’s residence with symptoms of repeated termination of conversations in mid-stream, failed connections, emergence of dial tones midstream, and various clicks and other sounds within the conversations. Though some of the more obvious indications of a phone tap went away after a while, those that continued were discrete, repeated and intermittent interruptions of phone conversation with clicks and momentary pauses of silence.

UNITED NATIONS TREATY Environmental Modification Restrictions 1976
This work gives a link to the United Nations Treaty of the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or an Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, which by all accounts is being violated by the aerosol programs being observed and researched.

This letter from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Senator Jess Helms, on behalf of one of Helms’ constituents, yet again obfuscates the reality of aerosol programs, and provides the typical denial of these programs as being normal ‘contrails’.

This letter from the United States Air Force continues a string of the denials of aerosol spraying programs that have been witnessed by many and upon which numerous tests have been performed proving such programs. The claim by this member of Congress who wrote this letter claims as usual that the spray lines observed and researched are simply ‘contrails’, despite proof to the contrary.

This paper discusses a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth’s surface. This region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. The information detailed in this paper outlines the emergence of ‘inventions’ leading to HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project). The benefit of using barium for electron precipitation is also detailed, as are detailed accounts of experiments that lead up to the development of HAARP facilities.

Another letter from the EPA claiming to be unaware of aerosol operations is included in this paper, despite the initial notification of accumulating evidence on the aerosol spraying on December 9, 1999. This is one of several communications from the EPA claiming to be “unaware” of any such activities. At this time, Carol Browner, the Administrator of the EPA, also refused to acknowledge the existence of a physical sample sent to her by certified mail on June 20, 2000, along with the refusal to identify the material in this sample.