Environmental Filament Project : An Introduction

Environmental Filament Project : An Introduction

Under current projections, it will be some months ahead before I will be able to engage fully into the Environmental Filament Project that has been outlined under this site. In the interim, however, an important introduction to what lies ahead can be presented.  Carnicom Institute is now able to display a series of scanning electron microphotographs of a typical sample; they will not be discussed in any detail until I am able to begin the study project.  Those familiar with my work may be aware of my reluctance to use the term nano-technology in association with any environmental or biological samples examined thus far; this has been due to the lack of any electron microscope images that are derived directly from these same samples.  This is no longer the case, and the use of the nano-technology term in association with this material is now fully justified.  The samples shown below are identical to those that the United States Environmental Protection Agency has refused to identify or analyze.    It has taken close to a decade and a half to acquire these images; appreciation is extended to all parties that have helped to make this information available to the public.  Sufficient additional samples have been received, both national and internationally, to support the Institute project plans.  This study will begin as the opportunity affords itself and as parallel work that is underway is completed.  Light microscope images of the same material are also shown below.
Then and Now

Then and Now

The following is a comparison between stock photography images that predate the year of 1999 and environmental photographs that have been published by the public on the internet after that same date. The reader can make his or her own determination, from both environmental and health perspectives, as to the source and impact of the significant changes that have taken place. Please show this page to your children so that they may understand what has been stolen from them.
Morgellons Research Project: Statement of Purpose

Morgellons Research Project: Statement of Purpose

The Carnicom Institute is embarking on a first of its kind study of the Morgellons condition often referred to as Morgellons Disease. The project will start with a questionnaire process, and this is in progress at this time. Subsequent developments of data collection and/or clinical studies may develop in the future depending upon support and resources.


Substantial evidence exists which proves not only the existence and presence of the "Morgellons" pathogen, but also how this organism uses iron from our blood for its proliferation and growth. This pathogen changes the iron in our blood from its ferrous form (Fe2+) to a ferric form(Fe3+). This change has a direct, negative impact on human health. The iron in human blood must be in the ferrous form in order for it to bind to the oxygen molecule. If our blood is not in this state then it will not bind to the oxygen molecule and human health will suffer. Proposed mitigation strategies are discussed.


This paper discusses the Carnicom Institute's acquisition of a Beckman dual-beam spectrophotometer, and how this acquisition allowed for the spectral analysis of environmental filament samples and those associated with the Morgellon's condition are of one and the same nature. This association has given rise to Carnicom calling these events "the worst crime in human history". Through testing of this spectrophotometer (several spectral analyses are shown on this page), Carnicom was able to verify its reliability and accuracy and usefulness in performing spectral analyses of various things, such as blood, copper sulfate, and environmental fiber samples. The fiber samples that Carnicom had sent to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other human oral filament samples that are representative of, and characteristic of, the so-called "Morgellons" condition. The spectral analyses of both of these samples is identical, which again, allows for the claim to be made that The conclusion drawn from this particular research is that the nature of a repeatedly occurring environmental filament sample is identical in nature to that filament entity which is representative and characteristic of the "Morgellons" condition.  This equality in nature has now been established unequivocally through three different methods:  visually, metrically, and analytically. As such, at least one source of the Morgellons condition has been identified and it is a repeating environmental source.  It is now up to us as the inhabitants and stewards of this planet to comprehend the consequences and the significance of the conclusions herein.


A set of four primary components has been established at the microscopic level in the research of the Morgellon's condition with them having, at the very least, some degree of association with the condition. These are (at a minimum): 1. An encasing filament structure, generally on the order of 12 to 20 microns in thickness, and it is this form which is visible to the human eye. 2. A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia is the strongest candidate thus far) measuring on the order of 0.5 to 0.8 microns. 3. A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like is the strongest candidate thus far). 4. An erythrocytic (red blood cell - likely artificial or modified) form. The Morgellons condition appears, by the best information and analysis to date, to be an orchestrated synthesis that crosses the lines of the three established 'Domains' of life on this planet (included in this paper is a short history of one phylogeneticist Carl R. Woese, who changed the interpretation of phylogeny, or the evolution of a genetically related group of organisms, into three classifications of 'domains' of: 1) The Bacteria; 2) The Archaea; and 3) The Eukarya. It is very difficult to envision, at this state of knowledge, that this "organism" (for the sake of discussion) is the result of any "natural" or "evolutionary" process.


A continuing discussion of the characteristics of filament samples discovered by Clifford Carnicom and others is presented here. It is reiterated that an environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called "Morgellons" condition, has been identified. This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare. This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition. The different cultured structures discussed above are described and pictured within this work as well. They are: 1) An encasing filament structure (containing an internal network of sub-micron filaments) 2) A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia) 3) A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like) 4) An erythrocytic form (red blood cell).


This paper reiterates that there needs to be the clarification of the term 'Morgellons' to sway from originally being perceived as manifesting primarily an anomalous skin condition. Though there is a small portion of the population classified as having the Morgellon's condition, who show skin lesions that resist healing and have the presence of filaments that emanate from these sores, it is not the skin condition that defines the actual pathology. More recent research strongly indicates the underlying symptoms are much deeper and more broadly distributed than has been realized, and that blood borne vectors may be a common denominator amongst affected individuals. The presence of skin anomalies as the primary criterion for determining the existence of the condition appears to be especially deficient. Any reference to supposed "delusional parasitosis" in light of the physical examinations and documentation available appears to be a gross miscarriage and misdirection of effort to help these people, and needs to stop.
AEROSOLS & MORGELLONS: A Systems Perspective

AEROSOLS & MORGELLONS: A Systems Perspective

This page shows a systems perspective flow chart with the tie-ins of the aerosol programs and the Morgellon's symptoms and pathogens. Included in the chart's flows are headers such as Airborne Environmental Factors (Particulate, Filament and Biological Forms), Biological Findings (Morgellon's Condition - Blood, Skin, Hair and Dental), Culture Work and Aerosol Operations (Military, Environmental, Electromagnetic, etc.), and how they are related to each other in an easy to follow format.


Initial RF radiation detection testing detailed in this work was conducted from November 2002 to April 2003, and extended research into the conductivity changes in our modified atmosphere has necessitated a return to this topic by Clifford Carnicom, discussed here. The repeated detection of this radiation indicates that this represents a continuous and fundamental change in the global electromagnetic environment. The detection of sustained Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation is positively confirmed. The indication is that this phenomenon is expected to be global in scope, due to the extreme wavelengths associated with these frequencies. The detection of this radiation puts forth the foreboding prospect of many applications and implications, including those of military, biological, psychological, health, energy, weapon systems and geophysical natures. The discovery of the fundamental 4Hz frequency in these tests has profound geophysical implications for the earth. There is no known natural source for its origin at this time. There is extensive literature and evidence on the potentially detrimental biological, psychological and health effects upon humans of this radiation type, and should it be determined to be of artificial origin, the intent and purpose of this radiation is subject to public challenge.


On this page, Clifford Carnicom explores the distinct possibility that observed and measured saline stress on plants and trees in the southwest United States is coming from the metals and salts being found in the aerosols that are continuing to be researched. This paper raises some questions that deserve fair consideration with respect to the massive global effects from the aerosol operations on observed plant and tree die-offs. Discussed here are some observed plant and tree die-offs in the southwest U.S. starting around the beginning of 1999, when the aerosol operations began to be observed en masse in this area. As well, ground conductivity testing at various altitudes is detailed from further Carnicom research around this same time. One of the die-off discussions centers on the local grasslands in the extremely dry southwest. A second discussion ensues regarding the major die-off of the Pinyon Pines species in this same area. Though there are current theories to explain these situations, the salination of the soils appears to be a main cause. Conductivity readings (and correspondingly, ion concentrations) seem especially high in these areas of die-off. It has already been reported in previous Carnicom papers that the expected effect from the introduced aerosols is to heat up the lower atmosphere, and not to cool it as many have attempted to promote under the guise of a secret but benevolent motive. Under the best of circumstances it can only be determined that the aerosols will aggravate the drought and warming problems, if not actually induce these very conditions. Reduced forage productivity is already expected in part from the specific heat and desiccation properties of the aerosols.
CONDUCTIVITY: The Air, The Water, and The Land

CONDUCTIVITY: The Air, The Water, and The Land

Clifford Carnicom discusses a series of conductivity tests conducted on recent heavy snowfall samples collected in New Mexico and Arizona in 2005, which have refocused attention on the electrolytic, ionic and conductive properties of environmental samples in connection with the aerosol operations. This report has been received and documents unusually high levels of calcium and potassium within a rain sample, where previous work has demonstrated unexpected levels of barium and magnesium. Discussion in this work ensues and outlines conductivity testing on these samples, where conductivity is a means to measure the ionic concentration within a solution. Conductivity is proportional to ionic concentration, and the results of this testing shows the increased conductivity of the atmosphere from having these salts dispersed in the aerosol operations. This discussion also describes the difficulty of performing conductivity testing because of the concept of 'ohmic heating', extrapolates the testing results to calculate the volume of these ionic salts within the regional atmosphere, and considerations to what the implications are of having these elements in our air, land and water.