The fundamental frequency of the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) data now being captured appears to have shifted to 6Hz as this day and time in a capture on March 19, 2003. Multiples of 6Hz are now readily visible in the graph of the data attached to this page. This is in contrast to the pattern of 4Hz that were logged on numerous other occasions. It is noted here that the cyclotronic resonant frequency of the barium ion (+2) in the presence of the earth’s magnetic field ranges from approximately 2.25Hz to 6.85Hz. The topic of cyclotronic resonance will be discussed at a later time.


This page discusses the role of aerosols, ionization, electromagnetic radiation and the creation of an artificial ‘plasma’ state in a now artificially modified atmosphere as they relate to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP). It has been understood by Carnicom that the magnetic field of the earth is a primary medium by which we, as ‘subjects’, are being affected. The artificial patterns of ELF energy, characterized by unusual pulsations of frequency, cannot be most logically assumed to originate from the HAARP facility. Such energy forms have a myriad of applications in the military arena. Unfortunately, a parallel set of effects upon biological systems, health, and mental functioning must also be accepted as a price to be paid. Large amounts of energy are being directed into the magnetic field of the earth by the HAARP facility. This energy is being directed along the earth’s magnetic field lines to all living things. We have no way to evade this negative energy. This ELF radiation, although innocuously claimed to serve communications purposes and the like, does have an effect on biological systems. This energy can be detected and observed and its artificial nature identified. All findings are consistent with over four years of research on the aerosol operations, with applications of environmental, biological, electromagnetic, military and planetary control.


An atmospheric test specific to mold detection has been conducted on March 10, 2003 in rural Santa Fe, New Mexico. The results appear to indicate a sufficient cause for concern, as a large number of colonies of several species of mold (Aspergillus, Penicillum, Cladosporium, and Rhizopus) have evolved during the incubation period in a dry high desert environment during a period of extended low moisture. Several species are shown in images on this page. There is clear and direct association between the abundance of mold and respiratory, allergic and asthmatic conditions in humans. It is hoped that additional testing will be commenced by citizens across the nation and globe using indoor and outdoor samples to assess the extent and nature of this environmental condition. Those knowledgeable in mycology are requested to offer their expertise in this matter.


The spectrum of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) signals has now been identified at multiples of 4Hz with the use of a digital spectrum analyzer/oscilloscope. The graph presented on this page was obtained with several significant modifications to the ELF circuit that has been described in the past few Carnicom papers, namely the paper titled ELF CIRCUIT DESIGN (dated January 26, 2003) with modifications that are discussed here and will be described further in a future paper. It was observed that the power of the signal being received is clearly of artificial origin and occurs at multiples of 4Hz. These frequencies occur in the range of the primary electromagnetic activity of the human brain. Research is currently underway to determine the direction (and eventual location) of the signals that are being generated and to which the populace is subject. Additional information on the directional parallel resonant loop antenna and the additional amplifier circuit will be forthcoming. It is requested that citizens across the nation and/or globe construct the circuit as it has been developed to assist in determining the origin of the signals through triangulation. Modifications for further enhancement are also welcomed.
ELF AT 10,500 FEET

ELF AT 10,500 FEET

Further measurements of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves were registered in the upper regions of Aspen Peak, New Mexico, on February 8, 2001. This location was chosen to avoid the 60Hz signals that are emitted by power lines in the United States, and the tests used a human antenna in parallel with the inductor in this circuit design (see the previous Carnicom paper titled ELF & THE HUMAN ANTENNA dated January 19, 2003 for the circuit design used, as well as an explanation of using a human body as an antenna). These waves detected are primarily multiples of 4Hz as in previous measurements, from 4-56Hz, which disturbingly is the same range as that of the human brain. Serious investigators who are interested in contributing to the state of knowledge on this issue are welcome to forward results to the Carnicom Institute. Any modifications and improvements that can be made to this circuit are welcome as well.


The presence of ambient Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves has again been verified on January 18, 2003 in Santa Fe New Mexico. The frequencies recorded by Clifford Carnicom show the same 4Hz multiples as his earlier readings, and these frequencies are likely of artificial design and with an undeclared purpose. A newer circuit used allows more sensitive measurements; sensitive enough to detect and register the electromagnetic presence of a person from several feet away. An additional topic of research is presented here as a possible correlation to the presence of these observed frequencies…that of the US military’s HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) high frequency pulses into the ionosphere that produce ELF frequencies. ELFs are used for earth penetration and subsurface communications, and though there is insufficient correlation between what is being measured in New Mexico and the HAARP waves, it is coincidental enough to be discussed in this paper. A most unexpected and unusual result of the current work is the role that the human being can assume in the detection of these frequencies. It has been found that the human organism, acting in conjunction with the primary large inductance coil (antenna) of the circuit, provides sufficient amplification to the signal to allow reliable detection and logging of the data.  That is to say, if a human runs a wire in parallel from the skin to the inductor lead, the geometric form of these frequencies is easily detected.


After again conducting microscopic sessions upon particulates collected from an outdoor HEPA filter in Santa Fe, NM in 2002 and finding unexpected biological components, Carnicom further asks the professional community for input to his findings. Images from this series of analysis, as well as those from earlier tests are presented, as are links to the previous research papers showing very similar results to this analysis and a description of the collection process used to collect these samples. NOTE: After asking for input from the professional community for help in analyzing these samples, a citizen on the message board wrote giving input to the analysis that Carnicom has presented in this page. This person suggested that what Carnicom has been seeing in these samples is not bacteria, based on the fact that the samples were put into distilled water, and that red blood cells, when put in distilled water, will burst within seconds. The writer further claims that red blood cells are not ‘designed to live in a neutral environment’, but rather in salty environments, and that the samples look like pollen. Carnicom’s response to these claims is to seek further professional input. A main inconsistency in the citizen’s claims above include the fact that these appear to be altered (desiccated) blood cells, and such wouldn’t necessarily conform to the same reaction as normal red blood cells. Further modifications may have been applied to these cells as well, making them not susceptible to being destroyed by being placed in distilled water.


The presence of geometric patterns of ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) radiation continues to be detected by using different methods discussed in previous Carnicom papers. The ELF circuit described in the previous paper titled LF FREQUENCY MONITORING BEGINS (November 5, 2002) now behaves in a predictable and steady fashion. Negative effects of ELF radiation are covered, including: the effect of ELF on mental functioning; the suppression of the immune system; the effect upon free radical reactions; DNA and genetic influences; and the role of cyclotronic resonance in ELF-biological interactions. Also discussed are the promising results of electromedicine in alleviating the effects of ELF radiation on the human body.


As an extension of the previous Carnicom paper titled ELF FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (November 10, 2002), the presence of frequent or continuous ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) radiation at discrete frequencies that are multiples of 4Hz has been confirmed by two different methods. The first involves the use of an electronic ELF amplifier circuit that incorporates data logging, and the second involves the combination of an inductive-capacitive resonant circuit in conjunction with a gaussmeter and a signal generator. This information is provided due to the significant implications of this radiation on the biological and mental well-being of the populace.


The mortality statistics in the US for 1999 have been released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on June 26, 2001. The results of this report beg these questions (and others): 1)Why is one of the 5 leading causes of death no “Chronic lower respiratory disease”? 2)Why was the former leading death category “Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions” changed for the 1999 data to now read “Chronic lower respiratory disease”? Included here are pictures of HEPA filters from a house air filter showing particulates and matter on the filters.