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Space Preservation Act of 2002 (Introduced in the House)
The Space Preservation Act of 2001 (HR 2977) was changed to the Space Preservation Act of 2002 HR 3616, and was ratified by Congress. Unfortunately, most of the critical wording that was in HR 2977 (presented in the previous Carnicom work titled SPACE PRESERVATION ACT OF 2001 from October 2, 2001) that showed promise in protecting citizens of the world was removed. There is no mention of the need to restrict the use of chemicals or biologicals against human populations. The full text of this Act is presented here for comparison to the Act of 2001.
Pollution, Visibility and Mortality
Pollution, Visibility and Mortality by Clifford E Carnicom Mar 12 2016 A preliminary empirical model has been developed to estimate… Read more
ATMOSPHERIC PLASMA – KINETIC ENERGY MODEL Clifford E Carnicom Jan 21 2004 EARTH ENTERING UNCHARTED WATERS “There are significant… Read more
A continuing discussion of the characteristics of filament samples discovered by Clifford Carnicom and others is presented here. It is reiterated that an environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called “Morgellons” condition, has been identified. This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare. This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition.
The different cultured structures discussed above are described and pictured within this work as well. They are:
1) An encasing filament structure (containing an internal network of sub-micron filaments)
2) A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia)
3) A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like)
4) An erythrocytic form (red blood cell).
The Obscuration of Health Hazards : An Analysis of EPA Air Quality Standards
The Obscuration of Health Hazards: An Analysis of EPA Air Quality Standards by Clifford E Carnicom Mar 12 2016 A… Read more
Pandora’s Polymer : Synthetic Blood and the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)
Pandora’s Polymer : Synthetic Blood and the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) Clifford E Carnicom Feb 29 2024 A… Read more
Preliminary Rainwater Analysis : Aluminum Concentration
Preliminary Rainwater Analysis : Aluminum Concentration Clifford E Carnicom Nov 02 2015 ABSTRACT A method and means to identify the species… Read more
Two separate rainwater samples collected during the first substantial rains in Santa Fe, New Mexico on June 26th and 27th are analyzed under a microscope in this discussion. Both samples appear to show non-moving, double celled structures measuring 40-50 microns in diameter and showing up as separate structures and in clusters. After posting on the www.carnicom.com message board eliciting input from those with microbiology or microscopy experience in identifying these structures and receiving no responses, these structures were assumed to be pine pollen and discussion was discontinued. However, after receiving an anonymous response on the message board stating that pine pollen is used in clandestine genetic engineering experiments, this discussion was reopened.
Anyone with microscopy and/or microbiology backgrounds who can help identify these structures, or give other relevant information regarding these structures, are invited to contact the Carnicom Institute with any and all data points to help in this regard.
A comprehensive briefing package on the aerosol issue containing photographs, testimonies, research references and petitions for congressional action on this issue was hand delivered by a prominent media person to Congressional Representative Thomas Udall of New Mexico on September 2, 1999. After no response for evaluation was received back by late November 1999, second and third letters were sent asking for a reply from Representative Udall. Mr. Udall finally sent a form letter back in March of 2000 to the deliverer of the material, stating that he had made a request for Congress to hold hearings on this matter. A spokesman for Representative Udall later stated no such request had been made to Congress by Representative Udall.
Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) Protein : The Fallout Emerges
Cross-Domain Bacteria (CDB) Protein : The Fallout Emerges Crystal Biology, Synthetic Blood & Clotting, and Polymer Formation Clifford E… Read more
Morgellons : A Working Hypothesis (Introduction)
This paper seeks to identify a host of organic compounds that are likely to comprise the core physical structure of biologically produced filaments characteristic of the Morgellons condition. A biological oral filament sample will be analyzed for the presence of candidate organic functional groups using the methods of infrared spectrophotometry. Potential health impacts from these same core structures are examined and compared to the observed , reported and documented symptoms (in part) of this same condition. Potential mitigating strategies, from a research perspective only, are discussed. A body of evidence, accumulated over a period of several years, reveals that the Morgellons condition is likely characterized by a host of serious physiological and metabolic imbalances. These imbalances are caused by the disruption of a variety of major body processes including, as a minimum, the regulation of metabolism by the thyroid, potential liver enlargement, a decrease of oxygen in the circulatory system, the utilization of amino acids important to the body, the oxidation of iron and a potential impact to neural pathways. The impact of this degradation to human health can be concluded to be serious, debilitating and potentially lethal in the cumulative sense; the reports of those who suffer from the condition are in alignment with these conclusions. This paper will summarize the body of work and chronology which leads to this more comprehensive hypothesis.
Another Marker for Examination
Another Marker for Examination (One of Many…) by Clifford E Carnicom Dec 02 2018 An individual exhibiting respiratory distress… Read more
This paper outlines the 20 fold increase in the concentration of hydroxide ion concentration in the atmosphere of the United States. Recent and preliminary pH test data from across the nation indicates that this increase has happened when comparing baseline data from 1990-1999 data with that of 1999. This significant change in a relatively short time frame has major implications for both the chemistry and biology of the nation and the planet at large.
The presence of ambient Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves has again been verified on January 18, 2003 in Santa Fe New Mexico. The frequencies recorded by Clifford Carnicom show the same 4Hz multiples as his earlier readings, and these frequencies are likely of artificial design and with an undeclared purpose. A newer circuit used allows more sensitive measurements; sensitive enough to detect and register the electromagnetic presence of a person from several feet away. An additional topic of research is presented here as a possible correlation to the presence of these observed frequencies…that of the US military’s HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) high frequency pulses into the ionosphere that produce ELF frequencies. ELFs are used for earth penetration and subsurface communications, and though there is insufficient correlation between what is being measured in New Mexico and the HAARP waves, it is coincidental enough to be discussed in this paper. A most unexpected and unusual result of the current work is the role that the human being can assume in the detection of these frequencies. It has been found that the human organism, acting in conjunction with the primary large inductance coil (antenna) of the circuit, provides sufficient amplification to the signal to allow reliable detection and logging of the data. That is to say, if a human runs a wire in parallel from the skin to the inductor lead, the geometric form of these frequencies is easily detected.