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Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.

Morgellons : Unique Protein Isolated & Characterized

Morgellons: Unique Protein Isolated & Characterized by Clifford E Carnicom Aug 13 2017 Edited Oct 01 2017   Note: Carnicom... Read more...more

Morgellons : Biofilm Production

The existence of biofilm within the microbial growth characteristic of the “Morgellons” condition has been established with certainty. A method of reliably extracting the biofilm from the body and testing the biofilm for the principal components has...more

Morgellons : A Supplemental Discussion

Morgellons : A Supplemental Discussion by Clifford E Carnicom Jan 21 2017 Edited Mar 08 2017 Edited Jul 03 2017... Read more...more

An Honest Investigative Report into Geoengineering Technologies and Media Gatekeepers by Hudson Ynez

Presenting the Book: “An Honest Investigative Report into Geoengineering Technologies and Media Gatekeepers” including the chapter “Seeking the Truth –... Read more...more

The Magnitude of Morgellons

The Magnitude of Morgellons by Clifford E Carnicom Dec 06 2016 Note: Carnicom Institute is not offering any medical advice... Read more...more

Carpinteria Crystal

Carpinteria Crystal by Clifford E Carnicom Sep 25 2016 An environmental crystal sample sent to Carnicom Institute from a concerned... Read more...more

A Response to the University of California and the Carnegie Institute

A Response to the University of California and the Carnegie Institute by Clifford E Carnicom Aug 22 2016 Preliminary Note: ... Read more...more

Morgellons & Carbon Monoxide

Morgellons & Carbon Monoxide by Clifford E Carnicom Aug 14 2016 (To Be Continued) Note: I am not offering any medical... Read more...more

Morgellons : An International Presence

Morgellons: An International Presence by Clifford E Carnicom Aug 10 2016 In an effort to provide continuing documentation of the... Read more...more

GeoEngineering – BioEngineering : A System View

GeoEngineering & BioEngineering: A System View Clifford E Carnicom Aug 08 2016 Presented at the National Health Freedom Congress Minnesota, July 2016...more

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