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Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.

The Demise of Rainwater

The Demise of Rainwater by Clifford E Carnicom A Paper to be Developed During the Summer of 2016 (Last Edit... Read more...more

A Week in the Life of Carnicom Institute

A Week in the Life of Carnicom Institute A Diary by Clifford E Carnicom May 14 2016 To give the... Read more...more

In Memoriam

In Memoriam by Clifford E Carnicom April 28, 2016 There are many that serve to champion human rights with no... Read more...more

A Clash of Evidence

  A Clash of Evidence: The Realities of Solar Radiation Management (SRM) by Clifford E Carnicom Apr 06 2016 Edit... Read more...more

Pollution, Concentration and Mortality

Pollution, Concentration and Mortality by Clifford E Carnicom Mar 19 2016 A preliminary analytical model has been developed to estimate... Read more...more

Exotic Technology Witnessed

Exotic Technology Witnessed (a casual paper) by Clifford E Carnicom Mar 18 2016   Map of Witnessed Light-Energy Sources Sonoran... Read more...more

Pollution, Visibility and Mortality

Pollution, Visibility and Mortality by Clifford E Carnicom Mar 12 2016 A preliminary empirical model has been developed to estimate... Read more...more

The Obscuration of Health Hazards : An Analysis of EPA Air Quality Standards

The Obscuration of Health Hazards: An Analysis of EPA Air Quality Standards by Clifford E Carnicom Mar 12 2016 A... Read more...more

Tertiary Rainwater Analysis : Questions of Toxicity

Tertiary Rainwater Analysis : Questions of Toxicity  Clifford E Carnicom Nov 08 2015 ABSTRACT This paper presents evidence of a... Read more...more

Secondary Rainwater Analysis : Organics & Inorganics

Secondary Rainwater Analysis : Organics & Inorganics Clifford E Carnicom Nov 04 2015 ABSTRACT A second rainwater sample has been... Read more...more

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